Paul Brown

Villainy: 10
Strength: 3
Influence: 7


  • Able Drinker
  • Staredown
Virtue: The Moonless Night - Subtle
Hubris: The Tower – Arrogant

Paul Brown is a portly gentleman approaching late middle age who is starting to lose his hair.  He has been a provisioner for merchant ships, expeditions and the navy for many years.  He is motivated by the desire to keep his attractive young mistress in the style she has become accustomed to without his wife finding out about her.  Although placid on the surface with an almost obsequious nature when dealing with customers he can become bellicose if accused of some misdemeanour or other.  He knows where to acquire supplies, where many ships are sailing to and where they have come from.  Even if he doesn’t know their destination he can often infer it from the cargo they are loading and the supplies they are buying.  He knows which ships might be willing to smuggle someone or something somewhere else for a fee.  He knows which ships might turn to a little piracy if they see a good chance of getting away with it. He knows a few pirates too.  Paul can refit and provision a ship in his port in a hurry for the right price.


  • Ships that aren’t regular customers may find some of their supplies are not of the standard they expected. Some fruit may be rotten or biscuit already infested with weevils. This will keep his mistress happy for a week.

  • For a healthy fee he’ll arrange secret passage from the port or in to another port. This will keep his mistress happy for a month.

  • An expedition he doesn’t expect to return may find a large part of their supplies are contaminated. This will keep his mistress happy for a season.

  • For a healthy fee he’ll arrange secret passage from the port or in to another port. Some of the smugglers will happily dump their passengers overboard after slitting their throats and looting the corpses. This will keep his mistress happy for a season.

  • He has been known to sell information on merchant ships voyages to pirates for a cut of the booty. This will keep his mistress happy for between a season and a year depending on the value of the merchant ship.

  • impworks © Copyright Mark Caldwell 1996 - 2025