[codesyntax lang=”python”]
#****************************************************** # Replace Place Holder Object With Plant # - plant_replace.py # - Replace Selected Objects with Plants # - By Mark Caldwell # - Version 0.2 # - 5th October 2006 # - Tested with Vue 5 Infinite 5.09 and Vue 6 Pre Release # # How to use in 4 easy steps # # 1. Download this file onto your computer # # 2. Edit the configuration variables below # # 3. Select Objects to be Replace in Vue Infinite # # 4. Then run script and wait for it to work # To run it go to Python -> Run Python Script # Then locate the file on your computer # #****************************************************** import random #---------------------------------------------- # Configuration: Set these to alter end result #---------------------------------------------- plantlist = ["08wMapleR", "08uMaple", "07_Plum", "08tmSummerCherry", "08tnFallCherry", "08toBlossomingCherry", "09_Acacia", "06_Fir", "10_Coconut"] # This is the file names of the plant to use directory="C:\Documents and Settings\Mark Caldwell\My Documents\e-on software\Vue 6 Infinite\Plants\" # set the directory your plants are stored in displacement_x=0 # This is added to the objects x position when placing the plant displacement_y=0 # This is added to the objects y position when placing the plant displacement_z=0 # This is added to the objects z position when placing the plant scale=1 # This is used to scale the plant drop=0 # If this is set to 1 the plant is dropped onto the nearest object under it shift_z=0 # If the plant is dropped the replaced object must be moved out of the way. # This is the z displacement applied to move them after they have been replaced #---------------------------------------------- # Internal Variables Set Up: Don't alter these #---------------------------------------------- poso=[] ran = random.Random() count=CountSelectedObjects() countplant=len(plantlist)-1 #---------------------------------------------- # Find Selected Objects #---------------------------------------------- for i in range(0,count): object=GetSelectedObjectByIndex(i) poso.append(object.Position()) object.SetPosition (0,0,shift_z) #---------------------------------------------- # Add Plants #---------------------------------------------- for i in range(0,count): file=directory+plantlist[ran.randint(0,countplant)]; plant = AddPlant(file) posp=poso[i] plant.SetPosition((posp[0]+displacement_x),(posp[1]+displacement_y),(posp[2]+displacement_z)) plant.Resize(scale) if drop==1: Drop()