[codesyntax lang=”python”]
#****************************************************** # Mold a terrain to objects placed above it # # - terrainmatcher.py # - By Mark Caldwell # - Version 0.1 # - 10th April 2007 # - Tested with Vue 6 Infinite # # How to use in 6 easy steps # # 1. Download this file onto your computer # # 2. Create a terrain (at this stage you can scale it # but avoid rotating it) # # 3. Place objects above the terrain that you want to # affect the terrain (don't put them too close to # the top of the terrain) # # 4. Select the terrain to be modified # # 5. Then run script # To run it go to Python -> Run Python Script # Then locate the file on your computer # # 6. Answer the questions that appear in the pop ups # then let it run till it pops up to say it's # finished # #****************************************************** import copy #---------------------------------------------- # Configuration #---------------------------------------------- spread=Prompt('How far should the match spread beyond the match to objects?','2',true,'Input Spread') if int(spread)<0: spread=0 else: spread=int(spread) setheight=Prompt('What altitude should the top be set to on a scale of 1 to 100 with 100 at the top and 1 at the bottom of the terrain? (enter 0 to not affect matches altitude)', '100',true,'Input Top Altitude') if float(setheight)==0: setheight=-1 elif float(setheight)>100: setheight=0.99 else: setheight=(float(setheight)-1)/100 setdepth=Prompt('What altitude should the areas not under the object be set to on a scale of 1 to 100 with 100 at the top and 1 at the bottom of the terrain? (enter 0 to not affect unmatched altitude)', '0',true,'Input Bottom Altitude') if float(setdepth)==0: setdepth=-1 elif float(setdepth)>100: setdepth=0.99 else: setdepth=(float(setdepth)-1)/100 #setheight=0.2 #setdepth=-1 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test the user has a scene loaded #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if TestLoaded(): #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test the user has 1 object and that it is a terrain #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- numselected=CountSelectedObjects() if numselected>1: message="Please select only one object." elif numselected<1: message="Please select an object." else: bObject=GetSelectedObjectByIndex(0) # Get first selected object if bObject.IsTerrain()==False: message="Please select a terrain." elif bObject.IsLocked(): # Check object isn't locked message="Please select an object that isn't locked." else: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Apply terrain data to terrain #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- pos=bObject.Position() scal=bObject.GetScale() altitudes=[] TerrainObj=bObject.ToTerrain() height= TerrainObj.Height() # Get Terrain Objects Height width= TerrainObj.Width() # Get Terrain Objects Width factorheight=height factorwidth=width stepdistancewidth=(factorheight*scal[0])/(width-1) stepdistanceheight=(factorwidth*scal[1])/(height-1) altitudes=TerrainObj.TerrainAltitudes () altitudes_new=[[0]*width for i in range(height)] xplus=pos[0]-((factorheight/2)*scal[0]) yplus=pos[1]-((factorwidth/2)*scal[1]) altitudes=TerrainObj.TerrainAltitudes () for i in range (0,height): for j in range (0,width): x=(i*stepdistancewidth)+xplus y=(j*stepdistanceheight)+yplus z=pos[2]+(altitudes[j][i]*scal[2]*100)+(20*scal[2]) start=x,y,z vector=0,0,1 hitobj=GetFirstHitObject(start,vector) if hitobj: altitudes_new[j][i]=1 else: altitudes_new[j][i]=0 if spread>0: altitudes_temp=[[0]*width for i in range(height)] for i in range (0,height): for j in range (0,width): if altitudes_new[j][i]==1: for k in range ((i-spread),(i+spread)): for l in range ((j-spread),(j+spread)): if k>=0 and k<height and l>=0 and l<width: altitudes_temp[l][k]=1 altitudes_new=copy.deepcopy(altitudes_temp) altitudes_temp=[[0]*width for i in range(height)] for i in range (0,height): for j in range (0,width): if setheight>=0 and altitudes_new[i][j]==1: altitudes_temp[i][j]=setheight elif setdepth>0 and altitudes_new[i][j]==0: altitudes_temp[i][j]=setdepth else: altitudes_temp[i][j]=altitudes[i][j] TerrainObj.SetTerrainAltitudes (altitudes_temp) # Set terrain heights message="Successfully Changed Terrain" else: message="No Scene Loaded" Refresh() Message(message) # Display message #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # End of Script #--------------------------------------------------------------------------