7th Sea Fire: New Equipment

Fire Hooks

A hook on the end of a long pole used for fighting fires.  It can be used to remove burning materials from a rooftop, wall or other area that is not yet alight.  A character can extinguish a fire of Fire Dice less than two as an action if they can reach it with the hook.  It can also be used to remove fuel from a fire.  On a successful Brawn + Fire Fighter test with a TN 5 times the fires Fire Dice it reduces the Fires Resolve by 1.

Fire Beater

A Fire Beater is a device for putting out fire by beating it to remove its air supply.  A character can extinguish 1 Fire Dice of fire for each round they use the beater.  It is ineffective against fires over whichever is greater of two dice or a characters Rank in the Fight Fire Knack Fire Dice in size.

Fire Bucket (Water)

A bucket filled with water for extinguishing a fire.  It causes 1k1 wounds to a fire.  Water is ineffective against chemical fires such as burning oil.  A bucket chain from a water source can deliver a number of buckets of water onto a fire equal to the lowest Panache of the characters forming the chain.  If a character organising the bucket chain has the Fight Fire Knack they can add their Rank in the Knack to the number of buckets.

Fire Bucket (Sand)

A bucket filled with sand for extinguishing a fire.  It causes 1k1 wounds to a fire.  Sand is effective against chemical fires such as burning oil.

Fire Engine

A horse drawn vehicle carrying a ladder, ten fire hooks and a large number of empty buckets.

Pump Engine

A horse drawn vehicle much like a Fire Engine carrying a ladder, a number of fire hooks and a large number of buckets.  In addition it has a pump that can be used to pump water from a source such as a well or better yet a river onto the fire.  The character using the hose can use it to wound a fire each action.  They cause a number of kept dice of wounds equal to the total Brawn of the pumping characters divided by five.  Characters with the Fight Fires Knack can add a number of unkept dice equal to their Rank in this Knack to the damage roll.

Fireman’s Clothing

A set of leather clothing, heavy boots and a solid helmet that reduces any fire damage or damage from collapsing walls or other structures to its wearer by 1 kept dice (1k1).  It imposes a 1 kept dice (1k1) penalty on all Finesse rolls.

Underwater Flame

An oil that continues to burn if immersed in water.  Can be extinguished by beating or immersion in sand.

Cold Flame

A chemical used by conjurers to create flames that are safe to handle.

impworks © Copyright Mark Caldwell 1996 - 2025