Too Many Ideas - Archive for January, 2012

Margin Call
Thursday, January 19th, 2012If you’ve ever stood on the side of a road and seen a car about to crash you’ll understand this film. If you’ve ever sat in a car that is likely to crash you’ll understand what is staring the characters in the face in Margin Call. Margin Call is the story of 48 hours in […]

The Open Eye Gallery: Painted Photographs
Tuesday, January 17th, 2012I went to see the Painted Photographs exhibition at the Open Eye Gallery in Liverpool today of photographs that have been retouched for use on TV and in the Press. Due to my own stupidity and incompetence I never made it to the Open Eye Gallery before its new venue so I can’t compare it […]

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol Movie Review
Thursday, January 5th, 2012They say football is a game of two halves: and so is my review of Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol is an enjoyable movie. It’s populated by beautiful people in exotic locations. It has guns and gadgets. It has explosions. It has chases. It has spectacular high places. It has all the […]