Too Many Ideas - Archive for the ‘NitS’ Category

Works in Progress Update
Sunday, October 3rd, 2010I realised I’d not posted a progress report on any of my writing for ages. Its far too easy to update twitter and forget to mention stuff here. I finished a completely rewritten draft of the Role Playing Game that’s been occupying a lot of my writing time for the last year. The plan was […]

Liverpool's Pyramid – William Mackenzie Tomb
Wednesday, September 8th, 2010The 19th Century Church of Saint Andrew on Rodney Street is known locally as the Scotch church. It was a Presbyterian church built to serve the Scottish community of Liverpool. The church was closed in 1975 and is in an extremely poor state. In the small graveyard is a rather unusual grave in the form […]

Sugary Pulp Research Goodness
Monday, July 14th, 2008I love it when research material falls into my lap. I came across a book about the espionage and shady goings on in Shanghai in the 1920s-40s era for the massive sum of £1.99 in my local remaindered book shop on Saturday. Handy since some of NitS is set there around then and involves shady […]

NitS: Draft 2 Done
Sunday, April 20th, 2008I did the last twenty pages of Night in the Sidhe draft 2 today. Now I have a complete list of all the characters, places and other important things that appear in the story. I also know how much work there is to do on finishing the inner story in draft 3 before moving on […]

NitS: Draft 2
Tuesday, April 8th, 2008I’ve twenty pages of NitS left to work over on the second draft. I’ve now got most of the mini cyclopedia of locations, characters, species and other such stuff. That will help me flesh out the details and keep track of it as I go along. I’ve also got a short list of the three […]

Getting the Facts across
Wednesday, March 12th, 2008I’ve an encounter in NitS where the hero tracks down the expert on how real world and fantasy world physics collide. I think it works pretty well but after reading John August’s blog post How to explain quantum mechanics I’ll certainly be applying his advice to make it better.

NitS: Ongoing Slog
Monday, March 10th, 2008Today I passed the three quarters point on the first redraft. I’m doing a bit of polishing and fixing but mostly its about looking for plot holes so I can fix them in draft 2. Fortunately so far I’m plesantly surprised how few there are. The biggest one, a remanant from when the story was […]

NitS: Edit 1 Half Way There
Sunday, February 3rd, 2008I passed the 50% mark on the first redraft of NitS tonight. A certain sense of relief tempered by a realisation of how much work I have left to do. This pass has been mainly aimed at picking up all the gross slips in continuity and the plot. By the endo of it I should […]

NitS Inner Story Done
Thursday, January 24th, 2008Earlier this week I finished the first draft of the inner story that sits at the heart of Night in the Sidhe. It needs a lot of editing. There are lots of scenes that are too short where I sketched over the action to get to the end. I’ve started working my way through it […]

NitS Beginnings and Endings
Sunday, January 13th, 2008I was worried about the structure of NitS. It lacked a climatic ending and I wasn’t too sure that the opening was really able to grab the reader. As I’ve been working towards the end I’ve discovered not one but two potential climatic confrontations so thats one problem solved. As to the opening I’ve decided […]