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Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘Script’

The King’s Speech

Friday, January 14th, 2011

In case you’ve not already heard The King’s Speech is a costume drama based on real life events around the end of the reign of King George V, King Edward VIII time on the throne and George VI reign up to the outbreak of World War II.  It’s focus is not the abdication, death or […]

Rotating Star Field II

Saturday, January 23rd, 2010

Last week I posted a Rotating Star Field. I’ve enhanced the script that builds the Vue scene from the star data to approximate the colour of the stars from their spectra and to size them relative to each other too. Unfortunately the high quality, uncompressed render comes in at about 1.2GB and I’ve yet to […]

Page for Equal Scale Replicate Script

Sunday, August 16th, 2009

Another script gets its own page: Equal Scale Replicate.

Vue Stereo Image Camera Creation Script Page

Saturday, August 15th, 2009

So glad I switched this site to WordPress – adding new pages is so much easier. Tonight I’ve added a new page for the simple Vue Stereo Image Camera Creation Script I wrote back in 2007.

Added Page for EcoRotate Python Script

Friday, August 14th, 2009

Keeping up the momentum from yesterday I’ve added a new page for my EcoRotate python script for Vue.

Added Page for EcoSystem Vertical Scatter Script

Thursday, August 13th, 2009

I’m slowly working through old blog posts creating pages for scripts and other bits and stuff that deserve to have more permanant pages so that they can easily be found. Tonight I’ve added one for the EcoSystem Vertical Scatter Script I wrote a couple of years ago.

Vue Switch Mapping Python Script

Sunday, August 9th, 2009

Here is a little python script for Vue Infinite and xStream to switch the mapping of all the images used in the selected objects materials to bicubic mapping. I’ve tested it using Vue 7 Infinite. The script is more of an experiment towards a bigger script to work with the images in Vue materials to […]

Vue Preview Colour Change Script Page

Friday, July 24th, 2009

Short and sweet tonight: I’ve added a page to the Vue section of impworks for the Vue Preview Colour Change Script.  Need to work on my snappy title writing skills.

Miniature Pulp Era Posters

Monday, July 20th, 2009

Back in August 2007 I posted a set of Miniature Victorian and Edwardian Posters which at the time didn’t really seem to get a lot of downloads or get any feedback. When I rebuilt the impworks website I almost left them out and the file got moved round late compared to some of the python […]

Vue Python for Beginners Updated

Friday, July 3rd, 2009

I’ve added the first new stuff to impworks since putting the reworked site. My first video tutorial, an update to Vue Python for Beginners, showing how to run a Python script in Vue 7 Infinite.

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