Too Many Ideas - Archive for the ‘Poser’ Category

SkinVue and Daz Genesis 2 Figures
Saturday, May 17th, 2014I use Daz figures a lot for making pictures to help me remember what a character looks like for a story and for NPC illustrations for games. I do pretty much all my rendering in Vue so a certain amount of tinkering with textures is required. I’ve used SkinVue for a long time for that […]

Don’t Make the Little Guy Angry…
Tuesday, July 19th, 2011…You’ll not like him when he’s angry. My avatar was mistaken for a goblin’s mugshot and he really isn’t happy about it. First he’s never been in trouble with the law. So they don’t have his DNA, clawprints or photograph on file. Secondly he’s not a goblin: Goblins don’t have tails or wings – at […]

Super Injunction and Libel Woman
Friday, April 29th, 2011A Vue 9.5 Infinite, CityEngine and SkinVue 9 Experiment Every time I hear someone talking about the latest Super Injunction I can’t help but think it sounds like one of the lesser known super hero comics. Someone who comic fans love but the rest of us will only discover when they get a movie. No […]

Vue 9 Sea Monster
Friday, December 3rd, 2010Last night I started messing around with a picture I was messing around with in Vue 7. I was never 100% happy with the lighting of the original. The monster was too visible – I wanted it to be lurking and menacing. Now Vue 9 has the wonderful new relighting feature so I made a […]

Eighth Vue Theatrical Lighting Rig Updated
Tuesday, September 28th, 2010It’s that day of the week again. Here is my 8th updated Vue lighting rig which this week uses two lights shining horizontally on a figure

Seventh Vue Lighting Rig Update
Tuesday, September 14th, 2010Here is the now regular update for a Tuesday of one of my old Vue lighting rigs: tonight’s features Spotlights at 45 degrees from the Front and Back

Sixth Vue Lighting Rig Updated
Tuesday, September 7th, 2010I’ve posted my latest revised theatrical lighting rig tutorial for Vue ~ Two Spots 45 Degrees From the Side

Fifth Vue Theatrical Lighting Rig Revised
Tuesday, August 31st, 2010My latest revised theatrical lighting rig tutorial for Vue.

Fourth Theatrical Lighting Rig Revised
Tuesday, August 24th, 2010Just finished rendering fresh images for a revised version of my fourth theatrical lighting rig tutorial.

Third Vue Theatrical Lighting Rig Updated
Tuesday, August 17th, 2010I’ve posted the third revised lighting tutorial tonight ~ Single Spot Slightly Behind.