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Too Many Ideas - Archive for the ‘7th Sea’ Category

Cardano Grille RPG Plot Generator

Saturday, February 17th, 2024

Had an idea for a plot generator for table top role-playing games last night. Probably best suited to an espionage or conspiracy theory game or a game set during the Renaissance. I was originally thinking of The Dee Sanction but Project Cassandra, Spy Master, Conspiracy X, Night’s Black Agents, 7th Sea and All for One: […]

Latest Villain of the Week – Mickhail Mihaylov

Saturday, October 8th, 2016

I’ve just posted my latest 7th Sea villain of the week Mickhail Mihaylov.

7th Sea Villain of the Week

Saturday, September 3rd, 2016

Started a new section of villains for 7th Sea villains of the week.  Aim is (shock) to put out a new villain each week at least for a while.  They’re not big bads just characters that can occupy heroes for a little while.  One villain seemed a bit lonely so for the first week only […]

7th Sea 2nd Edition Likely Number of Raises

Saturday, June 25th, 2016

7th Sea 2nd edition uses an interesting mechanism to decide how well a character does with an action.  I wanted to have some idea of how many raises a starting character is likely to have depending on their Trait, Skill and any bonus dice they might get.  So I ran some simulations earlier using a […]

7th Sea 2nd Edition Traits

Saturday, June 4th, 2016

Just a few thoughts about the patterns of points that can be assigned to Traits in 7th Sea 2nd Edition. In second edition the rules create only a few possible patterns for assigning numbers that make up a character’s Traits. Here they are ordered by highest Trait first… Trait Total Points A B C D […]

7th Sea 2nd Edition Kickstarter

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

I’m not good at picking favourites. Don’t ask me to pick my favourite book, film or TV show. You’ll get a list. This holds true for Role Playing Games with D&D Ravenloft, Conspiracy X, Panzerfaüste, Call of Cthulhu and SLA Industries all likely to feature (and yes I know Panzerfaüste is a skirmish war game […]

A New 7-Sentence NPC

Friday, July 17th, 2015

CM Cline in Dragon Magazine 184 (August 1992) presented The 7-Sentence NPC. Back then most of my NPCs either got a full page biography or a stat block. Over time I found moving to the middle ground the 7-Sentence NPC represents a handy tool. They have the advantage of being quick to read as a […]

7th Sea: The Green Men of Avalon

Friday, September 3rd, 2010

The Green Men of Avalon are an order of heroes I created for my 7th Sea game.  Little is known of them except their public appearances as escorts to the Queen on public occassions.  Here tonight for your enjoyment I post their unique weapon and fighting school.

7th Sea Burning & Ravenloft Ablaze

Thursday, August 19th, 2010

My 7th Sea feature review was my first article for Valkyrie. Its one of my favourite games of all time. At university I took a course on fire relating to building design. So when I was talking to a ‘zine (that I don’t think ever appeared) about 7th Sea articles and they were planning other […]

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