Too Many Ideas - Archive for the ‘Funny and Cool’ Category

Actor Ubiquity Score (Work in Progress – Revised)
Monday, December 12th, 2016So I got a few suggestions for additional shows for yesterdays Actor Ubiquity Score (Work in Progress) Angels Brookside Dr Finlay’s Case Book Howards’ Way Juliet Bravo Law and Order UK Minder Prime Suspect Softly Softly / Softly Softly: Task Force (to go with Z Cars) The Onedin Line The Wednesday Play (to go with […]

Actor Ubiquity Score (Work in Progress)
Sunday, December 11th, 2016This silly idea came out of a conversation at the Everyman probably more than 10 years ago. A simple score to measure just how ubiquitous an actor is on Television. It came up in conversation with a friend last week and then I stumbled across my notes while doing some house keeping on my PC. […]

Is that a TARDIS in A Bird’s Eye View of the Bank of England
Friday, April 4th, 2014If you take a look at Joseph Michael Gandy’s painting A Bird’s Eye View of the Bank of England (1830) there is a small blue box towards the bottom right hand corner. Is it the TARDIS? Is this a late April Fool by the BBC and Tate Britain? Here’s a blow up of the corner. […]

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Meats
Tuesday, July 17th, 2012Just a silly ideas from a misheard word in a discussion of Maslow’s Hierarcy of Needs. So I present for your amusement Maslow’s Hierarchy of Meats. Click the image for larger version.

Sea Odyssey Day 1
Friday, April 20th, 2012Took a late lunch today and went down to the Albert Dock in Liverpool to see the emergence of Uncle which is one of the giant figures performing throughout the city as part of Sea Odyssey this weekend. Took over 300 photographs in less than 45 minutes and reducing them down to a few to […]

What is a Sayers Sausage Roll?
Saturday, February 25th, 2012What is a Sayers Sausage Roll? I suppose that could be a philosophical question but I’m thinking of things a little more concrete. A Sayers sausage roll is different things to different people… First Encounters of a Sausage Roll Kind I remember when I was a student describing them as napalm wrapped in crispy cardboard. […]

The Cold Soap Window Sill Steam Phenomenon
Sunday, December 18th, 2011In the winter a slightly odd phenomenon sometimes happens when I do the rather mundane task of doing the washing up. When its cold outside and I fill the bowl with hot water steam produces tiny water drops all over the bar of soap on my window sill. I’ve normally only seen this at night […]

Heston Blumenthal is the joke still on us?
Friday, November 18th, 2011Back in the days before he rose to the heights of TV chef with his own show Heston Blumenthal had a column in the Guardian that featured his somewhat impractical for the home recipes. I remember one required boiling lobster shells for 24 hours to make the sauce. Which all led to conspiracy theories that […]

Do Ho Suh's Between, Liverpool
Wednesday, October 6th, 2010Do Ho Suh’s Between is one of the larger pieces in the Liverpool Biennial 2010. Its on a slightly smaller scale to Rotating Yates’s Wine Lodge Building but only just. I’ve seen quite a few similar photographs to the one above on newspaper websites. I decided to take a closer look because the level of […]

Stephen Fry at the Royal Albert Hall Review
Tuesday, September 21st, 2010I saw the most astonishing arse today. No stop it. I don’t normally comment on such things. I’m a gentleman who keeps such thought private while others utter them without the aid of a quantity of strong drink. Stay with me a little there is a point to all this. It might even relate to […]