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Too Many Ideas - Archive for the ‘Gumshoe’ Category

Road Trip – New England and Eastern New York Cover

Road Trip – New England and Eastern New York

Sunday, September 6th, 2015

I’ve just added a PDF of “Road Trip – New England and Eastern New York” assembled from out of copyright images on the New York Library Digital Archive to my Trail of Cthulhu resources. The idea I’m toying with is one or more scenarios for Trail of Cthulhu (or I may go with Call of […]

Dracula Dossier Campaign Cartographer 3 Plan of a Band Stand and Surrounding area

Dracula Dossier Campaign Cartographer 3

Tuesday, September 1st, 2015

Tonight I wanted to have a little play with the new floorplan style for Campaign Cartographer 3 for creating plans in the style of the Dracula Dossier.  With little time available I didn’t want to take on a full blown project like a building so I thought I’d throw together one of the locations beloved […]

The Ideal Tour 1920 New England Road Trip cover

1920 New England Road Trip

Monday, August 24th, 2015

I’ve just added The Ideal Road Trip a 1920 driving tour of New England to my Trail of Cthulhu resources page.  I’ve assembled the scans of the out of copyright book into a PDF for ease of reading and printing.  I’ve also done a rather rought and ready job of assembling two maps in the […]

The World’s Loose Leaf album of Apartment Houses

Monday, August 3rd, 2015

I found the online version at the New York Library Digital Archive of “The World’s Loose Leaf album of Apartment Houses” (New York World in March 1910) hard to work with.  So I’ve compiled the highest resolution scans into a PDF for ease of use.  It includes a map of the area around central park, […]

Frank Atkinson

1930s Film Star Portraits

Monday, July 27th, 2015

I had an email asking about where I found the illustrations I used on the Bookhounds of MI5 so I’ve pulled them all together into a collection and added it to my Trail of Cthulhu resources page. And in case you’ve missed it the poll on how I should post RPG resources like this is […]

124-126 Cromwell Road, London. Headquarters of MI5 until 1937

Bookhounds + MI5

Saturday, July 25th, 2015

Posted a new page last night of ideas for adding MI5 to a Bookhounds of London campaign which I inventivelly called Bookhounds of MI5.  All the stats are for Trail of Cthulhu.

A New 7-Sentence NPC

Friday, July 17th, 2015

CM Cline in Dragon Magazine 184 (August 1992) presented The 7-Sentence NPC. Back then most of my NPCs either got a full page biography or a stat block. Over time I found moving to the middle ground the 7-Sentence NPC represents a handy tool. They have the advantage of being quick to read as a […]

1920s Images for RPG Referees

Monday, July 13th, 2015

I’ve uploaded the first of four sets of images for 1920s RPG referees (good for games like Call of Cthulhu and Trail of Cthulhu).  You can still vote on my poll on how I should compile them in future.  

Language Cherries and Lemons for Trail of Cthulhu

Sunday, June 21st, 2015

Two ideas on ways of encouraging players of Trail of Cthulhu to take more languages.  Originally I was going to just suggest the carrot of free languages using cherries but then a friend wanted to use a stick approach so I came up with lemons for them… Language Cherries and Lemons for Trail of Cthulhu.

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