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Too Many Ideas - Archive for the ‘Render of the Week’ Category

Happy Christmas!

Friday, December 23rd, 2011


Don’t Make the Little Guy Angry…

Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

…You’ll not like him when he’s angry. My avatar was mistaken for a goblin’s mugshot and he really isn’t happy about it.  First he’s never been in trouble with the law.  So they don’t have his DNA, clawprints or photograph on file.  Secondly he’s not a goblin:  Goblins don’t have tails or wings – at […]

Sunrise City / Finally 64 Bits

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

    A quick post for a quick render – Sunrise City – my first proper test render with my new 64 Bit PC built entirely with it.  My last PC was supposed to be 64 Bit but there was a complication in the manufacturing (otherwise known as Dell used some 32 Bit parts thus […]

Super Injunction and Libel Woman

Friday, April 29th, 2011

A Vue 9.5 Infinite, CityEngine and SkinVue 9 Experiment Every time I hear someone talking about the latest Super Injunction I can’t help but think it sounds like one of the lesser known super hero comics.  Someone who comic fans love but the rest of us will only discover when they get a movie. No […]

Cloud Picture Made with Vue 9.5 Infinite

Friday, April 22nd, 2011

One of the most popular pages here is Cloud Layer Sculpting in Vue and with all the new Vue 9.5 cloud features I thought I would be a good idea to blow the dust of it and rework it to use the new features. Here is the original for comparison… Update: I’ve been busy and […]

Mars Render

Saturday, August 8th, 2009

A render of the planet Mars made in Vue 7.5 Infinite.

6000 Miles Up

Wednesday, July 15th, 2009

A picture of an Earth like planet from space I made tonight using Vue 7.5 Infinite from approximately 6000 miles above the surface. 55 minutes to render. A little minor filtering afterwards in Photoshop to enhance the contrast because I couldn’t be bothered rendering it again from scratch.

Just Messin' Around with Vue 7

Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

I’ve just spent the evening messing around with Vue 7. Nothing really to show from tonight but I made the yet to be titled picture above last night. I’ve resized it for the web from a larger, print quality render and cropped it a little too. The ship is from Cornucopia 3D and the Water […]

Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, November 14th, 2007

1. ONwebCHECK2. mar3. Mama Pajama4. jams o donnell5. And Miles To Go…6. ellen b7. Comedy Plus8. nap warden9. SandyCarlson10. CK Go Places11. Laurel Wreath12. Rose 13. WorksForMom14. Serina15. Idaho Daily Photo16. Lori17. Mark’s Regular Life18. webduck19. Bobbie20. Dariana21. Gina22. pips23. pips24. Country Dawn 25. shannon26. Kellyology27. jennyr28. maryt29. Rhonda30. Heidi Hyde31. Jos32. Kat33. jenn in […]

Wordless Wednesday #27

Wednesday, October 24th, 2007

Made with Poser 7, Vue 6 and post processing in Photoshop Elements 1. jenn in holland2. SandyCarlson3. rhonda4. Tammi5. Country Dawn6. And Miles To Go…7. jams o donnell8. Nap Warden9. ellen b10. maryt/theteach 11. L.L. Barkat12. Hootin’ Anni13. Jos14. Comedy Plus15. suzy16. maiylah17. Friday’s Child18. Mark’s Regular Life19. Lori20. Sreisaat 21. MamaGirl22. Half Pint Pixie23. […]

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