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Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘3d’


Friday, March 18th, 2011

When I took this picture of buildings all jostling for space with each other on a Liverpool street I was going to just post it as a throw away picture post. However this was one of the views, with its variety of buildings from different eras, that inspired my render Accretion City. So I thought […]

CityEngine Vue Review

Sunday, February 20th, 2011

I reviewed CityEngine Indie last week, here is my review of CityEngine Vue.  If you read last weeks review I’ll not apologise for lifting large parts of it with only minor changes as there are only minor differences between the two products.  CityEngine Vue is exactly the same underlying software as all the other versions […]

CityEngine Indie Review

Sunday, February 13th, 2011

When I first saw renders of models produced with Procedural’s CityEngine I was really impressed. However with prices in the Company or Freelance Professional range I thought that, like other high-end CG software, I’d have to look longingly on knowing that only Pros and pirates would ever get to play with it. CityEngine Indie is […]

Quiet because Too Many New Toys

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

If it seems like I’ve gone quite quiet here its because I’m playing with new toys. First of all I’ve been getting to grips with Vue 9 Infinite with its excellent new features. Re-lighting is a wonderful enhancement and is a massive time saver for me. Texture resizing is also a massive time saver for […]

Film Noir Desk

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009

This is my first Vue 8 Infinite render made as part of a tutorial about linear light sources for Vue I’m working on. The majority of the scene is the Film Noir Detective Office but the desk lamp is my first model made with Moments of Inspiration.

The Gothic Castle Test Render

Friday, September 11th, 2009

A quick test render I just finished of The Gothic Castle from Cornucopia 3D’s which I picked up last night. I tweaked the wall material to make it darker and the glass materials to make them illuminated. I also played a bit with the atmosphere for effect. I darkened up the final render using Vue’s […]

Dark Host Out Now

Tuesday, July 28th, 2009

It only seems like yesterday that Kim had a new story out but it was all of a couple of weeks ago (just enough time to read an Ian Rankin novel and a couple of history books). Her latest novella, Dark Host, was a Brava finalist and I’ve read a bit of it before so […]

Too Many Things

Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

I think I need a few extra hours in the day – if I did each of the following would probably be its own post… Having finished a fascinating book on illegal gambling in the UK in the ’50s I started reading the first volume of Michael Palins’ diaries on Saturday and there a great […]

Just Messin' Around with Vue 7

Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

I’ve just spent the evening messing around with Vue 7. Nothing really to show from tonight but I made the yet to be titled picture above last night. I’ve resized it for the web from a larger, print quality render and cropped it a little too. The ship is from Cornucopia 3D and the Water […]

I Hold in My Hand…

Friday, June 20th, 2008

… my paper copy of Astonishing Adventures Magazine Issue 3. It will be joining my growing pile of summer reading including Pulp Fiction The Villains,June’s BBC History Magazine (for the articles on revolution and Chamberlain’s place in history being unfair), July’s BBC Focus (for the articles on what Britain would be like if all the […]

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