Too Many Ideas - Archive for the ‘STEEPVM’ Category
Friday, March 18th, 2011When I took this picture of buildings all jostling for space with each other on a Liverpool street I was going to just post it as a throw away picture post. However this was one of the views, with its variety of buildings from different eras, that inspired my render Accretion City. So I thought […]
Sunday, August 30th, 2009Prompted by a discussion on the SFSFW’s mailing list about alternate history I’ve added a page for a revised version of my STEEPVM series of blog posts today.
Thursday, February 8th, 2007Well last week was the last part of the STEEPVM articles so here’s an index of all the parts STEEPVM Introduction STEEPVM Adding the Unknown STEEPVM Timeframes STEEPVM Social, Technology and Economics STEEPVM Ecology, Politics, Values and Mystical STEEPVM Tips STEEPVM Worksheet STEEPVM Example
Thursday, February 1st, 2007So here is a worked example of using the STEEPVM method for developing alternate and future histories. Not a great deal of mystical in this one but hopefully it shows how the technique can be used. STEEPVM Example
STEEPVM Example Postponed
Thursday, January 25th, 2007Having looked at the example I was going to use I’ve decided I want to put something new together so my apologies to anyone reading this expecting the final part tonight. Hopefully it will be ready for next Wednesday.
STEEPVM Worksheet
Thursday, January 18th, 2007Tonight’s continuation of the STEEPVM series of articles is a simple work sheet to help work using the STEEPVM technique from the past few Wednesday’s articles. Next week in the final part I’ll use the work sheet for a worked example from a real project I’m working on at the moment. STEEPVM Worksheet
Wednesday, January 10th, 2007Add factors wherever they seem to fit in best. If they might fit into multiple categories put it in them all. In some situations you may want to carry out STEEPVM for different regions or organisations that are parts of the same setting. Rearrange the headings to suit your needs on the worksheet. If the […]
STEEPVM Ecology, Politics, Values and Mystical
Wednesday, January 3rd, 2007Ecology The playfield of disaster stories, the ecology and environment looks at changes to ecosystems, climate change, extinctions, evolution and the interconnectivity of many factors. Supernatural and mythical creatures place and effects in an ecosystem may appear here. Politics Like economics changing political systems is rarely the stuff of science fiction but its popular with […]
STEEPVM Social, Technology and Economics
Wednesday, December 27th, 2006Social This area covers a variety of topics including changes in attitude, population change, fashion. Changes in attitude cross over with Values later. It may be that society hypocritically expects values to be one thing at this level but acts differently at the personal level that the Values heading represents. Some topics to consider under […]
STEEPVM Timeframes
Wednesday, December 20th, 2006To use STEEPVM as a writer there are a number of timeframe issues you need to address. The first one is the starting point you’re working from. If your writing science fiction your most likely starting point is today. For alternate history you need to pick the point at which history diverges and decide why. […]