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Too Many Ideas - Archive for the ‘Tutorial’ Category

Turbulance 1.0

Playing with Vue 2015 Particles Again

Thursday, October 1st, 2015

I’ve been playing some more with Vue’s particle systems this week.  I’ve updated the turbulence experiments page with a second experiment  – a test of the impact of the turbulence setting on a point emitter that creates an expanding field of black spheres.

Vue Python: Working with the Camera Settings Tutorial

Monday, November 25th, 2013

I’ve posted a new tutorial for Vue – Working with the Camera Settings.

Vue 11 Particle Rendering

Saturday, November 3rd, 2012

Following on from Vue 11 Basic Particles Basic Set Up here is a second short video covering the different styles of rendering for Vue 11 particles.

Vue 11 Basic Particles Basic Set Up

Thursday, November 1st, 2012

I’ve had a couple of emails asking how to set up a particle system in Vue 11 so here is a quick tutorial on setting up a very basic particle system and rendering it.

Vue Python: GetFirstHitObject Tutorial

Sunday, October 24th, 2010

I’ve been meaning to write some tutorials on writing Vue’s Python for awhile.  The obvious place to start would be with some basic stuff.  I will get to some of those eventually.  First though one is a short tutorial on Vue’s GetFirstHitObject.  I get more Emails about this than any other function.  Hopefully this will […]

Eighth Vue Theatrical Lighting Rig Updated

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

It’s that day of the week again. Here is my 8th updated Vue lighting rig which this week uses two lights shining horizontally on a figure

Seventh Vue Lighting Rig Update

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

Here is the now regular update for a Tuesday of one of my old Vue lighting rigs: tonight’s features Spotlights at 45 degrees from the Front and Back

Sixth Vue Lighting Rig Updated

Tuesday, September 7th, 2010

I’ve posted my latest revised theatrical lighting rig tutorial for Vue ~ Two Spots 45 Degrees From the Side

Fifth Vue Theatrical Lighting Rig Revised

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010

My latest revised theatrical lighting rig tutorial for Vue.

Third Vue Theatrical Lighting Rig Updated

Tuesday, August 17th, 2010

I’ve posted the third revised lighting tutorial tonight ~ Single Spot Slightly Behind.

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