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Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘impworks’

It’s Alive!

Sunday, May 31st, 2015

Well really It’s Refurbished! but I prefer a Universal Horror quote to a Homes Under the Hammer quote.  Anyway today after months of toiling at the webface I’ve finished rebuilding this site with a hand made theme based on the fantastic Foundation 5.  I have had “fun” with SASS and Git.  I’ve extracted 3 years […]

Edinburgh Panorama

Wednesday, November 28th, 2012

Its over a year since I went to Edinbugh but I’ve just figured out how to stitch the shots I took together to make a panorama. It was a rainy day (you can see some of it in the distance and a drop on the lens) and the shots that make this up were taken […]

impworks Now with Added Social Media Buttons

Friday, August 19th, 2011

I’ve had a little fiddle round with this site to add Google +1 button, Tweet Button and Facebook like. Not because I exepect anyone to use them but so I can use all three in anger. The formatting needs a bit of work still but all three seem to be working.

Don’t Make the Little Guy Angry…

Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

…You’ll not like him when he’s angry. My avatar was mistaken for a goblin’s mugshot and he really isn’t happy about it.  First he’s never been in trouble with the law.  So they don’t have his DNA, clawprints or photograph on file.  Secondly he’s not a goblin:  Goblins don’t have tails or wings – at […]

Rebuilt Site

Monday, April 4th, 2011

Just finished an under the hood (no visible changes on the surface yet) rebuild of impworks. The big bonus being this site is now clean of a couple of years of junk messing around and I have a separate development site I can mess up to my hearts content.


Friday, March 18th, 2011

When I took this picture of buildings all jostling for space with each other on a Liverpool street I was going to just post it as a throw away picture post. However this was one of the views, with its variety of buildings from different eras, that inspired my render Accretion City. So I thought […]

Too Many Ideas – 5 Today

Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

It doesn’t feel like five years ago today that I started my Too Many Ideas blog after being persuade it was a good idea by Kim Knox on a writers night out at the Everyman.  To celebrate I could have baked a fruit cake or a chocolate cake but instead I had a look to […]

Experimenting with Feedburner

Thursday, October 28th, 2010

I’ve moved the Too Many Ideas RSS over to Feedburner mostly to get a better idea of what Feedburner has to offer. The existing feed is still there and will carry on working but if you want to try the new feed you can subscribe to it on: The first added extra using feedburner […]

impworks FollowFriday Poll

Thursday, September 30th, 2010

I’ve been wondering about how often I do #followfriday on my twitter feed.   Partly because one follower DM’d me that I don’t do them often enough and another complained last time I did one because I flooded their stream.  So responding to the huge public interest on this burning issue of national interest I thought […]

Fourth Theatrical Lighting Rig Revised

Tuesday, August 24th, 2010

Just finished rendering fresh images for a revised version of my fourth theatrical lighting rig tutorial.

impworks © Copyright Mark Caldwell 1996 - 2025