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Too Many Ideas - Archive for the ‘CityEngine’ Category

Sunrise City / Finally 64 Bits

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

    A quick post for a quick render – Sunrise City – my first proper test render with my new 64 Bit PC built entirely with it.  My last PC was supposed to be 64 Bit but there was a complication in the manufacturing (otherwise known as Dell used some 32 Bit parts thus […]

Super Injunction and Libel Woman

Friday, April 29th, 2011

A Vue 9.5 Infinite, CityEngine and SkinVue 9 Experiment Every time I hear someone talking about the latest Super Injunction I can’t help but think it sounds like one of the lesser known super hero comics.  Someone who comic fans love but the rest of us will only discover when they get a movie. No […]


Friday, March 18th, 2011

When I took this picture of buildings all jostling for space with each other on a Liverpool street I was going to just post it as a throw away picture post. However this was one of the views, with its variety of buildings from different eras, that inspired my render Accretion City. So I thought […]

Accretion City

Saturday, January 22nd, 2011

I’ve tried to create a picture like this for some time – a cityscape with layers of different types of building like real cities have. I started this attempt earlier today and I think its my best attempt to date. Its built up of several CityEngine created models and a few from Cornucopia 3D. The […]

CityEngine Colour Combinations and String Multiplication

Sunday, January 16th, 2011

Working on my CityEngine Constructivism WiP model today I wanted to simplify the way I’m colouring the models. Rather than just assigning random colours or fixed colours I’ve created some sets of colours for my buildings. I’ve got the set of colour combinations stored as a string that I’m picking one at random for each […]

CityEngine Constructivism WiP

Friday, January 7th, 2011

Here are two quick Vue 9 renders of work in progress models made with CityEngine 2010.3 Indie. Since I got CityEngine in November I’ve been tinkering with it working on trying to get to grips with its CGA language and make some semi realistic models. Yesterday, after coming across some photographs of architectural models of […]

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