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Too Many Ideas - Archive for the ‘Stories’ Category

Dirk Dangerous and the Giant Balls of Doom

Saturday, December 18th, 2010

Its over a year since Astonishing Adventures #8 came out including Dirk Dangerous and the Giant Balls of Doom.  I think thats long enough to leave it before posting the whole story here.  So now available for your delectation and delight the first adventure of Dirk Dangerous and his companion Johnny – Dirk Dangerous and […] Lives!

Sunday, December 6th, 2009

Four years in the making here, finally is including One of THOSE days an exclusive little story.

Dirk Dangerous and the Giant Balls of Doom: Accepted

Friday, September 18th, 2009

Astonishing Adventures Magazine has accepted my short story Dirk Dangerous and the Giant Balls of Doom for issue 8.  I’ve one minor rewrite to do and I’m going to look at adding back in some of what I cut to get it down to 3000 words since their word limits gone up since I first […]

Dirk Dangerous and the Giant Balls of Doom: Away

Friday, May 30th, 2008

I’ve sent Dirk Dangerous and the Giant Balls of Doom off to Astonishing Adventures Magazine last night. Glad I gave it one last proof read because some little graphics had crept in to the file. I think they were Word 2007 editing markup converted to graphics by switching to old style doc format but I […]

Dirk Dangerous and the Giant Balls of Doom

Sunday, May 4th, 2008

I’ve spent the day finishing the first draft of Dirk Dangerous and the Giant Balls of Doom – as usual the stories over the 3500 word limit for AAM. So I’ll have to slim it down in draft 2.

Mrs H.’s Knitting Circle Arrgh!

Saturday, November 24th, 2007

I got inspiration for the Mrs H.’s Knitting Circle tonight and pushed on through the next scene and past the 3,500 word limit which is a problem as I’m not close to the end yet. However I scrimped on a couple of earlier sections so I’m thinking I could expand them and move some of […]

I sure pick the day to mess with American History

Friday, November 23rd, 2007

I’ve been using the wibbly wobbly web and associated Internet thingy for well over a decade now. In that time I’ve made friends all over the world including America. Funny thing is that today is the first time I can remember being wished happy thanksgiving. Its not just happened once though but several times. Anyway […]

Mrs H.’s Knitting Circle Racing Along

Monday, November 19th, 2007

I’ve been belting along with “Mrs H.’s Knitting Circle” today, adding a couple of thousand words to the story. Its got murders, shoot outs, detective work, intrigue, a heist, a confession, a nice cup of tea but no actual knitting. Depending on the final word count I may go back and switch a few sections […]

Mrs H.’s Knitting Circle

Saturday, November 17th, 2007

I was reading the end of The Steward, the Kriegsherr, his Femme Fatale & her Brother and the start of Dirk Dangerous and the Giant Balls of Doom and I felt there needed to be a bridge between them. It means I won’t be introducing Dirk to the world for at least one more story […]

The Steward, the Kriegsherr, his Femme Fatale & her Brother: Accepted

Sunday, October 28th, 2007

Just heard from Astonishing Adventures Magazine that they’ve accepted The Steward, the Kriegsherr, his Femme Fatale & her Brother for issue 2. It’s a sort of sequel to “The Electron Jockey”. I’m already 600 words into a sort of sequel to this one with the working title Dirk Dangerous and the Giant Balls of Doom.

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