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Too Many Ideas - Archive for the ‘Exhibition’ Category

Hello My Name is Paul Smith at the Design Museum

Monday, April 7th, 2014

The Paul Smith exhibition at the Design Museum has been running for a while and will be on till June.  As retrospectives of the work of designers go its good but the balance is a bit process heavy. The entrance is through a minimalist reconstruction of Smith’s first shop.  Following the exhibition round clockwise we […]

Beautiful Science: Picturing Data, Inspiring Insight at the British Library

Sunday, April 6th, 2014

This free exhibition at the British Library looks at the art and science of infographics. Rather than taking a very broad approach, cherry picking a few examples from every branch of science it focuses on three main areas: health, biology and meteorology.  Each features both historically important examples and modern works.  John Snow’s On the […]

Ruin Lust at Tate Britain

Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

Ruin Lust seemed like an interesting concept for an exhibition – a survey of art focusing on ruins.  It’s an interesting exhibition looking at ruins in painting, drawing and photography along with (to a lesser degree) film, sculpture and literature.  The variety of ruins featured runs from castles to abbeys to imagined vistas of destroyed […]

What I did on my Holiday in London

Sunday, October 6th, 2013

Propaganda (now finished at British Library) – Very interesting and far broader than the topic might appear at first glance.  Probably my second favourite exhibition at the British Library after Maps. Laura Knight Portraits (now finished in London but on Tour) – An interesting exhibition of Laura Knight’s portrait work that will be going on […]

What I did on my long weekend in London

Thursday, November 22nd, 2012

So last weekend I took 3 days in London to do a mad dash round some exhibitions and a play.  Here’s what I went to… Wellcome Trust: Death: A Self Portrait This free exhibition at the Wellcome Trust is far less morbid than it sounds.  A mix of art and curiosities from around the world.  […]

Blistering Round the Biennial

Sunday, October 28th, 2012

It’s very easy when you live somewhere and something is on for several months to miss it.  So today I treated the 2012 Liverpool Biennial like I would a visit to another city.  In four and a bit hours I crammed in trips to the Walker Art Gallery, 28-32 Wood Street, The Bluecoat and the […]

Oded Hirsch’s The Lift at Liverpool Biennial 2012

Monday, September 24th, 2012

I’ve passed Oded Hirsch’s The Lift (2012) a few times since the start of this years Biennial. Today I took a few quick shots of it in the rain (see gallery at the bottom of the page). It’s an interesting piece and is attracting a fair amount of attention since it appears in the middle […]

Turner Monet Twomly: Later Paintings

Sunday, August 5th, 2012

  Turner Monet Twomly: Later Paintings at Tate Liverpool is an intriguing mix of the late works work of three artists born in three different centuries.  The works are grouped thematically and each artist’s works are intermingled with each other.  There are some fine pieces by all three artists and if (like me) you don’t […]

Designing 007 – Fifty Years of Bond Style at the Barbican

Sunday, July 8th, 2012

I went to the new Bond exhibition at the Barbican, Designing 007 – Fifty Years of Bond Style, last Friday.  The exhibition is broken down across three physical areas of the Barbican and built up from thematic sections like gold, gadgets, casinos and travel.  Each section is filled with a variety of props, costumes, concept […]

My Third Annual Design Awards Blog Post

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012

I managed to make it to the design awards show at the Design Museum in London for 3rd year in a row.  Really was a just in time visit as tomorrow is the last day.  Sadly this year’s post won’t be illustrated as no photography was permitted at least according to one of the staff.  […]

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