Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘george clooney’

Il Forno and The Informant
Monday, November 23rd, 2009Oh dear looks like I need to get my grumpy hat out for both Il Forno and The Informant… Went to Il Forno on Duke Street in Liverpool for dinner before going to see the early evening showing of The Informant at FACT. Things started well with quick service and an excellent swordfish tart starter […]

Fantastic Mr Fox
Friday, November 20th, 2009Fanstastic Mr Fox is probably my favourite Roald Dahl children’s story. So today I decided I’d go and see it at the Odeon in Liverpool 1 and crossed my fingers they’d not treated the source material as a slum clearance job it like Disney did with Bedknobs and Broomsticks. Given the source materials brevity it’s […]