Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘poll’

Vue 9 Sea Monster
Friday, December 3rd, 2010Last night I started messing around with a picture I was messing around with in Vue 7. I was never 100% happy with the lighting of the original. The monster was too visible – I wanted it to be lurking and menacing. Now Vue 9 has the wonderful new relighting feature so I made a […]

impworks FollowFriday Poll
Thursday, September 30th, 2010I’ve been wondering about how often I do #followfriday on my twitter feed. Partly because one follower DM’d me that I don’t do them often enough and another complained last time I did one because I flooded their stream. So responding to the huge public interest on this burning issue of national interest I thought […]

Nicer Python Display: The Results are In
Friday, July 30th, 2010Thanks to everyone who voted on my Nicer Python Display poll. I’ll start looking at updating all of the python script pages on my site to use the new, improved formatting. [poll id=”3″ type=”result”]

Nicer Python Display
Thursday, July 22nd, 2010I’ve wanted to improve the display of the code for my Vue python scripts here for quite awhile but I was never entirely happy with the code highlighters I’d tried. I’ve installed and fiddled with a new one tonight and I think I like it but since its really for you (well at least if […]