Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘Strange Tydes’

Ragnarok 58
Tuesday, March 29th, 2011Issue 58 of Ragnarok (the journal of the SFSFW) landed through my post box today including my article for Wessex Games’ Strange Tydes The Bare Belly Coast. Immediately spotted an editing error I’d made where I’d truncated a sentence… “The alliance with the Orcs eventually saw it added it to their empire as a protectorate […]

Ragnarok 58 Coming Soon
Friday, March 11th, 2011Ragnarok Issue 58 is at the printers according to the SFSFW blog so my Bare Belly Coast article for Wessex Games’ Strange Tydes will soon be available in lovely print form. Time to finish off the Strange Grogge companion article.

The Bare Belly Coast Away
Thursday, August 26th, 2010Just sent off an article for Ragnarok a group of desert countries for Wessex Games’ Strange Tydes. Along with details of each nations navy there are also new ship options including Lateen Rigging, naptha projectors and early cannons. The last bit of work tonight was to draw a map to go with the article. I […]