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Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘tardis’

Is that a TARDIS in A Bird’s Eye View of the Bank of England

Friday, April 4th, 2014

If you take a look at Joseph Michael Gandy’s painting A Bird’s Eye View of the Bank of England (1830) there is a small blue box towards the bottom right hand corner.  Is it the TARDIS?  Is this a late April Fool by the BBC and Tate Britain? Here’s a blow up of the corner. […]

Doctor Who: Let’s Kill Hitler

Saturday, August 27th, 2011

Tonight’s Doctor Who, Let’s Kill Hitler, was a cracking fun episode from the start. Now I’ve been known to complain about certain issues with illogicality and this episode certainly started with plenty – writing Doctor in a corn field, introducing Amy’s best friend who’s never been so much as mentioned before with a montage and […]

Doctor Who: A Good Man Goes to War

Sunday, June 5th, 2011

There were some nice things about the latest Doctor Who episode: A Good Man Goes to War.  It started very well with the Cybermen and the collection of various allies from across Time and Space.  There was the nice idea that Doctor becoming word for warrior in many cultures that have encountered him.   There was […]

New Doctor Who Episode: The Doctor’s Wife

Sunday, May 15th, 2011

So was the new Doctor Who episode, The Doctor’s Wife, a return to the form of The Impossible Astronaut and The Day of the Moon after The Curse of the Black Spot last week with its rather damp powder?  Would Neil Gaiman writing an episode turn out to be a stunt to promote both the […]

New Doctor Who episode The Day of the Moon

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011

The new Doctor Who episode, The Day of the Moon, is Doctor Who thinking and writ LARGE. Part of the scale comes from the great use of locations.  The wide open spaces of Utah.  Iconic locations like: Apollo 11.  The Oval office.  Area 51.  The dark and spooky orphanage is a beautiful contrast with the […]

New Dr Who episode The Impossible Astronaut

Monday, April 25th, 2011

The first, new episode of the 2011 run of Dr Who The Impossible Astronaut is a joy. If you’re going to do a Doctor Who in America why not go for it. Using the vast scale of the wide open spaces and light gives grandeur to the scene that chalk pits never could. Later the […]

Doctor Who: The Big Bang

Saturday, June 26th, 2010

Tonight’s Doctor Who, The Big Bang, was farce.  Not quite pure farce.  More like 90% farce.  Not bad farce.  Proper farce.  Farce in a good way.  In a The Importance of Being Earnest or Noises Off kind of way. It could take its spiritual importance from the second half of The Importance of Being Earnest’s […]

The Pandorica Opening

Saturday, June 19th, 2010

So here are my random thoughts on tonigh’s Doctor Who episode The Pandorica Opening but first a little sillyness… This week’s episode could have been titled: How do you solve a problem like the Doctor?  Now I know my theory about Graham Norton as the series bad guy and the crack being the gap under […]

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Hour

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010

So one episode and he fixed it.  Fixed the big problem I had with the RTD Doctor Who.  RTD can do fun.  RTD can do pulp.  RTD can do adventure.  RTD’s plots sometimes relied on an unforshadowed solution at the end. Steven Moffat shows you don’t have to throw logic out the window to do […]

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