Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘Writing’
Nothing the whole day through
Sunday, March 5th, 2006I sorted out a cupboard I’d been meaning to tidy up. Got an entire bin bag of rubbish to put out from it. I’ve ironed most of my shirts (most of which hadn’t been ironed for a long time). A thoroughly domestic day of avoiding writing or preping the web site. I did manage to […]
Busy Doing Nothing
Sunday, March 5th, 2006Amazing what a good ten hours sleep can do for the soul. Then life catches up and all those little chores need sorting out. Then its nearly midnight, nearly another day gone and nothing has really gone anywhere. Still tomorrow’s Sunday which is my writing day. With a good run at it I may get […]
I really should be sleeping…
Friday, March 3rd, 2006I’m so tired I just used Kim’s blog’s title “I really should be writing…” as the title for a really innane post. I think I’ll go to bed instead and save the world from that.
Web Site Move Slowly Closer
Sunday, February 19th, 2006No writing today (yet). Just catching up on dull old house work and leg work. Finally bullied myself into working up the design for the new web site. Then sorted out the XHTML & CSS. Then reworked it till it looked OK in both IE and Mozilla Firefox. Then sorted out the logo I’ve been […]
Random Thoughts
Tuesday, February 14th, 2006Can it be a coincidence that “Quantum Leap” and “Life on Mars” both have lead characters called Sam? That both of them appear to be able to travel in time but only in their own lifetimes? Do they both have something they need to put right so they can get home? Maybe it’s a coincidence. […]
Nimue's Price
Tuesday, February 14th, 2006Only a couple of paragraphs added today. I’ve been reading Kim Rees’ new story Nimue’s Price after hassling her to let me for a couple of weeks. Its a very good Fantasy/Science Fiction yarn which she keeps telling me is a romance. It’s that too. In fact it’s all three. The first story I’ve read […]
Heath Robinsonesq #1
Thursday, February 9th, 2006I must have been writing too many technical specs this week. Someone tells me the hamster that powers their web site’s dynamic front page has been fired and their thinking of hiring an elephant instead. They meant it as an offhand joke and I find myself contemplating the difficulties involve with my engineering hat (issued […]