Too Many Ideas - Archive for January, 2007

impworks Link Section Coming Soon

Monday, January 22nd, 2007

I spent several annoying hours today trying to find free link directory scripts for my impworks site that worked with smarty templates. After a couple of wasted hours of downloading and trying out scripts I decided it would be quicker to code something up myself. Now I’ve got the basic MySQL, PHP and smarty templates […]


Sunday, January 21st, 2007

Just in from seeing Apocalypto which was a lot better than I’d expected. I was afraid it was going to turn out to be a bit of a The Thin Red Line. Sorry if you liked The Thin Red Line for me it was just pretentious and far too pretty. I was really worried Apocalypto […]


Friday, January 19th, 2007

Well after much fiddling I’ve produced my first complete dynamic cloth garment for Poser. Originally shaped in Virtual Fashion I textured it in Deep Paint 3D and Paint Shop Pro before taking it into Poser where I ran a simple cloth simulation so it has a bit more of a drape to it. Finally rendered […]

Bit Windy

Thursday, January 18th, 2007

The wind made a pretty good go at ripping stuff off the building I work in today. It got a canopy and the bike shed. When I left the flag pole was still on top of the building. A tree in the park had come down as I walked home and some of the shops […]

STEEPVM Worksheet

Thursday, January 18th, 2007

Tonight’s continuation of the STEEPVM series of articles is a simple work sheet to help work using the STEEPVM technique from the past few Wednesday’s articles. Next week in the final part I’ll use the work sheet for a worked example from a real project I’m working on at the moment. STEEPVM Worksheet

EcoSystem to Object enhanced for Vue 6

Tuesday, January 16th, 2007

I’ve just added a few little enhancements to my EcoSystem to Object script. It now asks for a few simple choices when it is run rather than needing the script to be edited. You can now choose what Vue primitive it will put at the EcoSystem instances location. You can also select to have the […]

Offensive Phrases of the Day

Tuesday, January 16th, 2007

Nothing to do with Big Brother. Sometimes I get a little tired of people trying to split the technical and imaginative sides of creating things up. They put down the technical aspects with phases like Gear Head or Techie as though the true artist has no need for such "distractions". They need to look up […]

Making Clothes for Michael

Tuesday, January 16th, 2007

Over the weekend and tonight I’ve been teaching myself how to make poser clothing. Mostly I’ve been using Virtual Fashion 1.5 Pro and Poser dynamic cloth. The down side of which is the time to make the simulations and the simulation failures. When it fails the simulations vary from the annoying to the farcical. The […]

Yeh the Blue Blogger Button!

Sunday, January 14th, 2007

Got the new blogger button today now I can enjoy all the lovely new features and label all my old posts. Ok not sure about the last part… Maybe just some of them.

Ragnarok 51

Sunday, January 14th, 2007

Raganrok issue 51, John Wilson’s first as editor, came through my door this morning. A very good read it looks to be too.

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