Too Many Ideas - Archive for February, 2008

Did the Cliche Move for You?
Wednesday, February 27th, 2008I wouldn’t be up this late but I’ve not been well and I can’t sleep. I was just doing the final rounds of checking on the flat when the whole building shook. At first I thought it was a Fire Engine going past outside at speed but from the way my inner ear was acting […]

The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain
Friday, February 22nd, 2008Saw The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain at a packed Liverpool Philharmonic tonight. Like Weird Al Yankovich and Bill Bailey they manage to survive in a world in which music and a sense of humour are no longer combined often enough. They are more than competent musicians able to arrange a well known piece from […]

Today I've mostly been looking at Moodle…
Wednesday, February 20th, 2008I don’t usually blog about work but today I’ve mostly been looking at Moodle. On the surface a pretty nifty e-learning solution with an extensive set of tools for building an online community. Another one to keep in the armoury of useful, open source solutions.

Vue Lighting Rig #15: Two Lights from the Side
Monday, February 18th, 2008This weeks rig is a step back from the complex four light rigs I’ve been covering recently to a two light rig. This time the lights are placed on either side of the stage shining horizontal beams with the lights at head height or above so they shine down onto an actor. Lights placed like […]

Tuesday, February 12th, 2008Saw Kodo at the Liverpool Philharmonic and I have to say I had a really good time. I’ve heard their music on CD but it just isn’t the same as feeling the vibration of the big drums run through you. It’s not just about big drums though there were subtler pieces played on shamisen, flute […]

Mrs H.'s Knitting Circle – Away
Sunday, February 10th, 2008Well after seven drafts I’ve sent Mrs H.’s Knitting Circle off.

Ashes to Ashes or Dempsey and Drakepeace?
Thursday, February 7th, 2008Really enjoyed the first episode of Ashes to Ashes on BBC 1 tonight. I’ll avoid saying much more because far too easy to drop a spoiler if I do. I did enjoy the switch from Life on Mars’ take on the Sweeney to something more akin to Dempsey and Makepeace or, maybe, The Professionals. Fingers […]

Mrs H.'s Knitting Circle – Fixing the Wandering Tense
Wednesday, February 6th, 2008I’ve been making some corrections to Mrs H.’s Knitting Circle tonight. One section wandered into the present tense while the rest of the story is pretty much solid past tense. Reading it again the present tense added to the drama – well that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it. It didn’t fit with the […]

NitS: Edit 1 Half Way There
Sunday, February 3rd, 2008I passed the 50% mark on the first redraft of NitS tonight. A certain sense of relief tempered by a realisation of how much work I have left to do. This pass has been mainly aimed at picking up all the gross slips in continuity and the plot. By the endo of it I should […]