Too Many Ideas - Archive for February, 2009

The International

Saturday, February 28th, 2009

Just back from seeing The International, a twisty euro thriller that jumps between Europe and New York weaving the tail of a bank which is tangled up in some very shady deals. Clive Owen gives a strong performance and is ably supported by an excellent cast. The pacing is deliberately uneven which avoids the danger […]

Big Vue News Catch Up

Thursday, February 26th, 2009

Catching up on Vue related stuff: nearly 2200 alerts (which may have up to ten possible web pages in each alert) to possible Vue content checked of which a grand total of 3 pages made it into the Vue News Blog. The hit rate is normally higher but there were a lot of Vue 7 […]

This Way Up

Wednesday, February 25th, 2009

Just saw a short (9 min) animation on BBC1 “This Way Up”. Well worth a look.

Ragnarok 53

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009

Issue 53 of Ragnarok, the Society of Fantasy and Science Fiction Wargamings magazine, is out now and includes an article by me – When Ants Attack – for use with the game Tusk. This issue, and the last three back issues are also now available from Wargames Vault as PDFs.

All Joomla! and no Play makes Mark…

Sunday, February 8th, 2009

… really tired. Just finished a couple of month long project in Joomla! at work including a solid weekend in the office last week to finish it off. I’ve learnt a lot about Joomla! although there are somethings I still need to learn. Its an interesting content management system with a different way of approaching […]

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