Too Many Ideas - Archive for December, 2009

1999 plus 10
Thursday, December 31st, 2009I had a slightly odd experience shopping on New Years Eve 1999. I was visiting some friends for a new years party and needed supplies so I nipped round to the local superstore, at the time it was a Co-Op. It was pretty late in the day and the first thing I remember was that […]

Happy Christmas
Thursday, December 24th, 2009Have a happy Christmas!

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009First I knew of the latest snow in Liverpool was the announcement on the news that Liverpool Airport was closed. A quick shot of the snow on the tree in my back garden taken from a window so I didn’t have to go out in it. Taken without flash, camera clamped to the window frame […]

Go Penguin Hunting
Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009While doing a few bits odd an ends of Christmas shopping in Liverpool I did a bit of Go Penguin hunting. They’re sneaky and elusive creatures that like hiding in crowds of children. Here are the ones I managed to get shots of.

Australian Rich Fruit Cake
Sunday, December 20th, 2009This moist, rich, fruit cake recipe was given to me by a friend from Australia. Serves 12. Ingredients 175g Pitted Dates 115g Ready to Eat dried prunes 200ml Unsweetened Orange Juice 2tbsp Molasses or Black Treacle 2tsp Candied Peel 225g Self Raising Flour (White or Wholemeal) 1tsp Mixed Spice 115g Seedless Raisins 115g Golden Sultanas […]

Edible Gobos: quite possibly as Tasty as Edible Underwear
Wednesday, December 16th, 2009Allegedly. I’ll come to that in a minute. Most spam is annoying but once in a while the bots assemble two random concepts that make a slightly surreal or scary combination. Once in a while those are so out there and look so like real messages that they make it past the spam filters. Here’s […]

The Ghost of Moderation Present
Wednesday, December 9th, 2009I’ve just cleaned up some random text spam messages that hit here earlier today. Nothing offensive or innapropriate but a waste of my time. To make my life easier (and stop anything bad getting through) I’ve tightened the moderation of comments on this blog up. If that puts the spammers off I’ll loosen the moderation […] Lives!
Sunday, December 6th, 2009Four years in the making here, finally is including One of THOSE days an exclusive little story.

Final Touches to
Sunday, December 6th, 2009Nearly four years in the making I’m putting the final touches to the launch version of today.

SLA Industry Pages are Back
Saturday, December 5th, 2009In the dim and distant past (well circa 1996), when I had my first web site on mudhole, I had some pages about SLA Industries a British, dystopian, science fiction, table top role-playing game. Last night I revived some of those pages from back-ups. So for the first time in quite awhile (well probably 8 […]