Too Many Ideas - Archive for June, 2010

Speed – the Modern Mercury

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

Above the main door into the Georges Dock Ventialation Tower and Central Station is this statue: Speed – the Modern Mercury. The relief in Portland Stone (one of my favourite construction materials) is seven meters tall including the base. It was designed by Herbert J. Rowse and the sculptor was Edmund C. Thompson assisted by George T. Capstick.

Doctor Who: The Big Bang

Saturday, June 26th, 2010

Tonight’s Doctor Who, The Big Bang, was farce.  Not quite pure farce.  More like 90% farce.  Not bad farce.  Proper farce.  Farce in a good way.  In a The Importance of Being Earnest or Noises Off kind of way. It could take its spiritual importance from the second half of The Importance of Being Earnest’s […]

Georges Dock Ventilation Tower Liver Bird

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

I’ve not had a chance to take my camera out at lunch time at work recently so here is a picture I took a while ago. It’s of a decorative Liver Bird on one side of the art deco Georges Dock Ventilation Tower (sometimes called the Mersey Tunnel Building) in Liverpool near the Three Graces. The detail on the bird itself appears to have been eroded by the elements but other elements are still crisp.

Scaling Objects to Help making Vue Scenes

Monday, June 21st, 2010

I’ve been exchanging emails with Paul, a Vue user, who was having difficulty visualising how big objects should be in Vue. He uses real world measurements but his pictures didn’t look right because he was struggling to get the objects to be the right size and making the distances between them realistic. That was messing […]

The Pandorica Opening

Saturday, June 19th, 2010

So here are my random thoughts on tonigh’s Doctor Who episode The Pandorica Opening but first a little sillyness… This week’s episode could have been titled: How do you solve a problem like the Doctor?  Now I know my theory about Graham Norton as the series bad guy and the crack being the gap under […]

Ambiguous Sign

Wednesday, June 16th, 2010

This sign is on the boards which cover the ground floor of an empty building a short distance from where I work. Whenever I walk past it amuse me in the same way that a sign on the side entrance to Wollaton Park in Nottingham amused me in my youth. It read simply “Escaping Dear […]

Społeczeństwa Angielskiego for the Defence of Greengrocer's Apostrophe's from Sad Pants Pedants

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

I’ve been thinking of founding the Społeczeństwa Angielskiego for the Defence of Greengrocer’s Apostrophe’s from Sad Pants Pedants. Here is an explanation why… News of the self appointment of a Queen’s English Society at once annoyed and amused me. I’m sure the founders are eminently qualified to talk about our language or at least think […]

Vincent and the Doctor

Saturday, June 5th, 2010

I was worried about Richard Curtis writing a Doctor Who for two reasons – first that it could be too Richard Curtis; second that it could be Richard Curtis free. I’m glad to say that Vincent and the Doctor was Doctor Who and it was a Richard Curtis Doctor Who. First let’s get some of […]

Lime Street Station Uncovered

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010

The concrete mess on the front of Lime Street Station was one of the worst eyesores in the city. It was a badly executed, dreary, unimaginative waste of concrete that hadn’t aged well. Worse it was right in the heart of the city centre, covering up the face of one of the country’s great Victorian […]

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