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Too Many Ideas - Archive for the ‘Wordless Wednesday’ Category

Derelict Building Detail, Duke Street, Liverpool

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

This Wordless Wednesday’s a day late because of the Burke and Hare post. Most of the pictures I post on my blog of Liverpool are of interesting buildings that are reasonably well looked after.  Having lived here for nearly twenty years I’ve seen a lot of miss-representation of the city in the national media.  I’ve […]

Chinese Lion Liverpool

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010

A photograph of one of the Chinese lions around Liverpool’s Chinatown.  This one stands under the Chinese gate I posted a picture of a few weeks ago.

Rattus Banksius

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

Two photographs this week both of the Rat painted in 2004 by Banksy as part of the Liverpool Biennial on the derelict White House pub on the corner of Duke Street and Berry Street. It’s hard to tell now what the rat is holding as one of the original boards is missing.  Some (especially journalists […]

Liverpool's Ornamental Gate to Chinatown

Wednesday, August 18th, 2010

The ornamental gate to Chinatown, Liverpool on Nelson Street. Unfortunately the dramatic sky doesn’t really show up as well as I’d hoped in the photograph but it does frame the top of the gate nicely. The arch is the largest of its kind outside of China.

Wordless Wednesday #36

Wednesday, May 12th, 2010

Photograph of the Organ in St Georges Hall, Liverpool

Wordless Wednesday #35

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

Photograph of slope covered in Daffodils in Sefton Park, Liverpool

Wordless Wednesday #34

Wednesday, April 14th, 2010

Photograph of Mossley Hill, Liverpool from Sefton Park

Wordless Wednesday #32

Wednesday, March 24th, 2010

Photograph of a Chandelier in St Georges Hall, Liverpool

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