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Too Many Ideas - Archive for the ‘World Building’ Category

Characters on the Couch (Part 6)

Wednesday, August 16th, 2006

No one can be isolated or an Island The Jester Archetype This Follows on from: Characters on the Couch (Part 5). The first part can be found at: Characters on the Couch (Part 1). “If I can’t dance I don’t want to be part of your revolution.” Jesters joyfully live for the moment. They don’t […]

Characters on the Couch (Part 5)

Wednesday, August 9th, 2006

The Care Giver Archetype This Follows on from: Characters on the Couch (Part 4). The first part can be found at: Characters on the Couch (Part 1). “Love your neighbour as yourself.” Care Givers are unselfish, ethical providers of protection who do things for others. They are compassionate saints and helpers. They are healers of […]

Characters on the Couch (Part 4)

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006

The Creator Archetype This Follows on from: Characters on the Couch (Part 3). The first part can be found at: Characters on the Couch (Part 1). "If it can be imagined, it can be created" These characters have artistic vision and focus on creativity and the imagination. They seek to innovate and craft something new. […]

Characters on the Couch (Part 3)

Wednesday, July 26th, 2006

This Follows on from: Characters on the Couch (Part 2). The first part can be found at: Characters on the Couch (Part 1). The Ruler Archetype "Power isn’t everything. It’s the only thing" These characters seek control, prosperity and positions of leadership. They want to be in charge of their situation. At their best they […]

Characters on the Couch (Part 2)

Wednesday, July 19th, 2006

Following on from: Characters on the Couch (Part 1). Drivers Each of the archetypes is associated with one of the drivers giving a general impression of what they want to do. The key drivers that Jung identified were stability, mastery, belonging and independence. Modern discussions sometimes refer to stability as “providing structure”, mastery as “thumb […]

Characters on the Couch (Part 1)

Wednesday, July 12th, 2006

A Jungian approach to characters for Writers How do you get inside a character and understand what makes them tick? How can you use their desires, history and motivation to create memorable personalities? One possible technique is to draw on archetypal characters found in mythology that many writers use when creating characters. These archetypes can […]

Building a Better Future

Tuesday, February 7th, 2006

Well I’ve taken a break from working on the game today to knock together an essay on a method of creating alternate histories for writers. Its heavily borrows from some techniques used by governments and businesses. In fact some of the scenarios they come up with using their technique read like passable settings for science […]

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