Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘Ashes to Ashes’
Doctor Who: Planet of the Ood and other Time Travelling Adventures
Saturday, April 19th, 2008Another Saturday night, another episode of Doctor Who using one of the classic Doctor Who styles: Doctor and assistant run around chased by guards while the story unfolds. Fortunately there were none of the shaky sets that used to come with those stories in the old days and even better none of the bad green […]
Ashes to Ashes or Dempsey and Drakepeace?
Thursday, February 7th, 2008Really enjoyed the first episode of Ashes to Ashes on BBC 1 tonight. I’ll avoid saying much more because far too easy to drop a spoiler if I do. I did enjoy the switch from Life on Mars’ take on the Sweeney to something more akin to Dempsey and Makepeace or, maybe, The Professionals. Fingers […]