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Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘Biennial 2010’

The magical Temple of a Thousand Bells

Wednesday, October 27th, 2010

I walked from work to Liverpool’s Anglican cathedral to see Laura Belém’s Temple of a Thousand Bells which is in the Oratory in St James’ Cemetary as part of the Liverpool Biennial 2010. The work consists of a thousand hand-blown glass bells suspended on nylon string through a gently glowing ceiling. An 8 minute polyphonic piece of music by Fernando Rocha including many different bell sounds fills the room. Really beautiful work. I just wish I’d had more than fifteen minutes to experience it.

Every Shop Window is a Soap Box, 2010

Wednesday, October 20th, 2010

Renshaw Street in Liverpool has been the home of Rapid Hardware all the time I’ve lived here. It took up so many of the shops along one side of the street that it was commonly known as Rapid Hardware Street. When they moved into the old George Henry Lee’s / John Lewis building it left […]

Do Ho Suh's Between, Liverpool

Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

Do Ho Suh’s Between is one of the larger pieces in the Liverpool Biennial 2010. Its on a slightly smaller scale to Rotating Yates’s Wine Lodge Building but only just. I’ve seen quite a few similar photographs to the one above on newspaper websites. I decided to take a closer look because the level of […]

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