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Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘EcoSystem’

Added Page for EcoSystem Vertical Scatter Script

Thursday, August 13th, 2009

I’m slowly working through old blog posts creating pages for scripts and other bits and stuff that deserve to have more permanant pages so that they can easily be found. Tonight I’ve added one for the EcoSystem Vertical Scatter Script I wrote a couple of years ago.

EcoSystem to CSV / CSV to EcoSystem Tested in Vue 7

Sunday, November 16th, 2008

I’ve checked EcoSystem to CSV / CSV to EcoSystem in Vue 7 Infinite and its working. As with the other scripts once I’ve tested them all I’ll update the impworks web pages.

101 Ways to Lose Time #23

Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

I was doing some tidying up and sorting out over the weekend when I came across the files of notes from my old gaming campaigns I ran at University. Leafing through them was a bad idea as I found the Ravenloft campaigns I ran for several years as introductory games for freshers. Some would say […]

Vue Lighting Rig #12: Modern Christmas Lights

Monday, December 17th, 2007

This week’s Vue Lighting Rig is less of a rig and more of a way of achieving a Christmas light effect. Looking at the Christmas lights in Liverpool I noticed several invisible Christmas trees. I’m sure these are popping up all over the country. You see lights in the shape of a tree but no […]

Vue Eco Vertical Scatter Python Script

Wednesday, September 5th, 2007

LMcLean was looking for a way to vertically scatter instances in a Vue EcoSystem. I realised I could easily adapt the Vue EcoRotate Python Script I wrote a few weeks ago to do it. Here is a quick Vue python script to do this with a simple interface… Vue Eco Vertical Scatter Python Script

Vue EcoRotate Python Script

Saturday, August 25th, 2007

There was a question on Cornucopia 3D’s vue python forum about setting all the objects / instances in an EcoSystem to point in a direction possibly with a bit of variation. So here is a quick python script for vue to do just that… Vue EcoRotate Python Script

Vue 6.5 Render

Friday, August 10th, 2007

Another picture made using Vue 6.5 playing with the new cloud lighting features. Here a single red quadratic spotlight points at the cloud from behind the hill. The hill has the Hollywood Jungle EcoSystem applied.

Making Tree on a Hill

Tuesday, May 8th, 2007

Last weeks picture I made for WW was made entirely in Vue. I started with Vue’s default settings. I began by creating a terrain object. In the terrain editor clicked on the erode button till the default mountain became a smoother hill shape. I resized the terrain to fit the picture I had in mind […]

EcoSystem to Object for Vue 6: Now with Go Faster Stripes

Tuesday, April 24th, 2007

I’ve just made a few little code changes to my EcoSystem to Object script that should speed it up. I’ve not updated the page yet (I’ll do that tomorrow) but I’ve uploaded the new version of the zip file. This version will only work with Vue 6 so I’ve left the old version of the […]

Creating a Bifurcated Lava Flow in Vue Infinite

Monday, April 16th, 2007

An updated and edited version of my earlier blog post on making a Bifurcated Lava flow in Vue is now available on the impworks web site as Creating a Bifurcated Lava Flow in Vue Infinite. While making an image to go with this I’ve been playing with some of the new tools in Vue 6 […]

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