Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘helen mirren’

RED – Retired Extremely Dangerous – Review
Saturday, October 30th, 2010RED (Retired Extremely Dangerous) probably won’t appeal to everyone but I really enjoyed it. I’ve made no secret that RED (Retired Extremely Dangerous) was a film I wanted to see since the teaser trailer turned up on You Tube. Even once I’d read some reviews that compared it to rotten vegetables I still wanted to […]

RED Trailer
Monday, July 26th, 2010Pick any one of Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman or John Malkovich and you’d have my attention for RED. Brian Cox or Ernest Borgnine would push this into my want to see list. Helen Mirren flower arranging is a bit a bit Calendar Girls. Helen Mirren with a machine gun? Helen Mirren with a Machine Gun! […]