Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘william mackenzie’

My Top 11 Blog Posts of 2010
Sunday, December 26th, 2010Since its the time of year when people post lists here are the top 11 most visited of my blog posts for the year. 1. The Expendables 2. Yes, Prime Minister 3. Stephen Fry at the Royal Albert Hall Review 4. RED – Retired Extremely Dangerous – Review 5. Chavasse Park Ride 5. Lime Street […]

Liverpool's Pyramid – William Mackenzie Tomb
Wednesday, September 8th, 2010The 19th Century Church of Saint Andrew on Rodney Street is known locally as the Scotch church. It was a Presbyterian church built to serve the Scottish community of Liverpool. The church was closed in 1975 and is in an extremely poor state. In the small graveyard is a rather unusual grave in the form […]