Content, Content, Content

Wednesday, March 15th, 2006

After watching CSI last night (finally this season seems to have gotten going with last night’s episode) I set to work pulling content for my new site together. Some articles I wrote for Valkyrie, some stuff I wrote for defunct web sites, some of my pictures and some stuff from my old web site. Then I looked at where the gaps are. I need to pick out some of my stories and some computer graphics tutorials which shouldn’t be too arduous.

What I’m dreading is writing a blurb about me. For my old site I dodged the bullet by posting my CV but that just attracted every dubious head hunter and repeated e-mails from a strange Internet design company somewhere in Texas who told me about their company dog. In detail. For several weeks. But didn’t want to pay for flights for an interview. So I have to say something about me. I think I’ll need a few drinks before I write that.

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