I was sure I commented on this here before...
This script is a piece of ART in itself... thanks again for your help...(i'm certainly no programmer)
care to top your feat?! I have a huge favor to ask...
by the way,
I use the free render engine "Kerkythea" to render my SketchUP stuff.
it reads .xml files.
A guy, ToMasz, has created an exporter from SketchUp that exports lights, geometry, pages as cameras, and a sun&sky using the Ruby script language... which I understand is something similar to Python, but I'm no programmer. You can d/l the script here.
My question... I want to see if you would be able to analyze his script and create an exporter that will export my camera either from SketchUp, or from Kerkythea (maybe this is easier?) and set up the exact camera inside of Vue5 (and eventually we will get Vue6) so that I can render my building in KT with MLT or BiPT or Progressive Path Tracing, but get my veg at the right angle from VUE!!!! this would be very cool experiment.
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