Too Many Ideas - Archive for October, 2006

C Blunt

Tuesday, October 17th, 2006

This is one of those blog entries I don’t usually do. One about work. As of last week I’ve been set the task of learning C# for a project on the horizon. After a day of reading and a day of watching introductory videos I think I’m starting to see how the pieces fit together. […]

Conspiracy X 2.0

Monday, October 16th, 2006

I’ve not been keeping up with gaming releases of late and I missed Eden Studio’s release of Conspiracy X 2.0 but I’m making up for it now and picked up a copy yesterday. Gone is the system from first edition that I liked but which wasn’t the easiest for players to grasp without reading the […]

Almost Smarty

Sunday, October 15th, 2006

Translated almost all of the remaining pages on my impworks site to smarty templates today. Just a couple of little tweaks left to make to the templates and a couple of pages that have special features to do. Then I can start adding new pages and some bits that will be easier with the smarty […]

Writing the Boring Bits

Saturday, October 14th, 2006

Writing the mundane bits of a story seem to be the hardest parts. I used to find avoiding info dumps hard work or dialogue but now it’s the mundane experiences the character goes through I’m finding the hardest parts to write. Trying to strike the right balance of brevity with enough detail that the reader […]

Fairy Tale Noir: Confabulation

Thursday, October 12th, 2006

Last weeks New Scientist had an article about Confabulation, a memory disorder which cause sufferers to produce false memories. These memories can be mundane or exotic. The hero in my Noir Fairy Tale already has a period of amnesia in his back story, a condition frequently found in both noir and folklaw involving the folk. […]

Characters on the Couch (Part 14)

Wednesday, October 11th, 2006

This Follows on from: Characters on the Couch (Part 13). The first part can be found at: Characters on the Couch (Part 1). The Sage Archetype "The truth will set you free." Sages seek the discovery of truth, knowledge and wisdom. They prize research and intelligence. Their aim is to understand the world. They also […]

Too Busy to Have Too Many Ideas

Tuesday, October 10th, 2006

… too busy to blog too. Tight deadlines has lead to some late working the last few days. All I want to do is come in, veg in front of a DVD and go to sleep at night. Normal service should be restored shortly.

Fairy Tale Physics

Monday, October 9th, 2006

I’ve been making sure the physics of my fairy tale world work today. Not as much fun as writing but since little dragon needs to exploit them in order to solve the case I need to make sure the rules make sense. So I’ve spent a lot of today mulling on entropy, brane theory, multiverses […]

A Quick Note to the Makers of the Next Robin Hood

Saturday, October 7th, 2006

I’m going to reserve commenting in detail on the new Robin Hood for a few episodes to see how it comes on. I’m also going to ignore that Robin seems capable of using a 2kg long sword as though it were a throwing dagger. I am going to however make one small suggestion to the […]

The Outsiders: Liverpool doubles for… Everywhere

Friday, October 6th, 2006

One of the fun things with living in Liverpool is playing spot the Liverpool location in TV and films doubling for other places. I watched ITV’s The Outsiders that I recorded on Tuesday earlier. Lots of Liverpool to spot including some interior shots that I’m pretty certain were done in the building at the University […]

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