Meat Loaf and Raven

Sunday, May 13th, 2007

Not the latest offering on Great British Kitchen but tonights entertainment at the MEN arena.

A solid 30 minuteish set from support Marion Raven with a guitar accompaniment. Having heard a couple of tracks on her web site I’m tempted to pick up her album when it’s released on June 11th.

Then the main course of Meat Loaf and he didn’t disapoint. A good selection of classics crowd pleaser including Bat out of Hell, I’d Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That) and Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer Than They Are. A selection from Bat Out of Hell III which I’ve yet to make my mind up on but the Duet with MR It’s All Coming Back To Me Now sways me towards liking it. Then encores, a train of black T-shirted fans, a taxi and home.

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2 Responses to Meat Loaf and Raven

Mark Tuesday, May 15th, 2007

His voice was great and the stage show was up to scratch.

BooHII converted me to liking Meat Loaf. I'd always struggled with BooH but II gave me a way in to it too. III has some great tracks and some where I'm not sure. They don't have the Meat Loaf sound more just a generic post 2000 rock sound. I hope they'll grow on me over time because I'm not a fan of skipping tracks on an album.

Robin Monday, May 14th, 2007

I'm jealous. I'm a huge Meat Loaf fan and would love to see him again. How was his voice holding up? BTW, I agree with you re BOOH III, I just can't make up my mind. II has grown on me over the years though, and both have a permanent place on my "limited to 20 albums" iPod. Can't beat them for the gym, either.

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