Google Watch

Friday, May 11th, 2007
1 Comment

I’ve been using the new version of Google Analytics for a couple of day. Some really nice improvements have been made. A lot of it is simple stuff like dumping the pointless 3d effect from graphs to make them easier to read. The world map is now in many ways more useful as it shows you regional performance as well as the old way where you can see you got a hit from somewhere unexpected. Exporting PDFs and e-mailing reports looks like it could be very useful too.

I’d not come across KML files before. A friend pointed them out to me. An easier way for sharing annotation on map data for various Google applications like maps and world.

I need an extra day in the week (not available to Google for launching or developing) just to stay on top of all this stuff.

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One Response to Google Watch

she Saturday, May 12th, 2007

You've been tagged for the "8 random things" meme. Enjoy

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