Too Many Ideas - Archive for August, 2007

If I wasn't Too Tired I'd be Playing with…

Friday, August 31st, 2007

I’m completely wiped out so an early night tonight. If I wasn’t I’d be playing with Vue using three new cool things that have become available this week: Incredibly Lush Wheat Fields TerraPakâ„¢ toolkit for Vue 6 New Replacement Wood Materials for Vue SolidGrowth Trees All of which I’ve coverd on the unofficial Vue News […]

Thursday Thirteen #24

Thursday, August 30th, 2007

Thirteen Things Mark likes about Liverpool on the cities 800th Birthday Architecture – The waterfront, the cathedrals and William Brown Street are often mentioned but there are many more distinctive buildings throughout the city Music – From the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra to a band you may have heard of called the Beatles Sport – […]

Wordless Wednesday #21

Wednesday, August 29th, 2007

I’m celebrating Liverpool’s 800th birthday from the air with my favourite photograph I took on my recent flight over the city in a Dakota. 1. jams o donnell2. SandyCarlson3. Mama Pajama4. And Miles To Go…5. mar6. Diana7. Isabelle aka Tricotine8. Comedy Plus9. Breather 10. Starrlight11. Alison12. Friday’s Child13. shrijnana14. maiylah15. CableGirl16. oldqueen4417. MissMeliss18. lori 19. […]

Miniature Victorian and Edwardian Posters

Tuesday, August 28th, 2007

I was digging through past projects looking at the nets I’d designed for paper buildings but never finished off when I came across something I’d actually finished. A sheet of sixty-five Victorian and Edwardian advertising posters resized to fit on to a sheets of mini address labels. They work with Avery Inkjet Labels Code J8651 […]

New Categories Added to Vue Link Directory

Monday, August 27th, 2007

I’ve had some requests for new categories in the Vue link directory on the impworks site. I got round to adding them today including vue training, vue books, vue merchants and vue free stuff. I’ve not finished adding links to them yet (especially free stuff) but I didn’t want to wait to put them live.

Vue EcoRotate Python Script

Saturday, August 25th, 2007

There was a question on Cornucopia 3D’s vue python forum about setting all the objects / instances in an EcoSystem to point in a direction possibly with a bit of variation. So here is a quick python script for vue to do just that… Vue EcoRotate Python Script

Short Short Fiction: Gothic Bite

Friday, August 24th, 2007

She sleeps, bosom slowly heaving. Moonlight casts a strange hue through swirling curtains. From nowhere the irregular shade comes to brush her hair aside. Her neck revealed. Pale skin greets sharp ivory teeth. She is his.

Paper House Beta 1

Thursday, August 23rd, 2007

I started work on a set of simple, cardboard building models using pepakura originally for Serious and Organised but which, like Serious and Organised, I’ve yet to finish. A discussion on the SFSFW mailing list kicked me into finishing a simple one of a house. It can either be used as a single, semi-detached house […]

No TT this Week

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2007

I’ve not pulled my Thursday Thirteen together in time for this week so if you stopped by looking for it sorry. I’ll post it next week when I’ll hopefully have over come my ideas shortage or renamed this blog to "Where did all my ideas go?" Elsewhere on the wibbly wobbly web my friend, Kim, […]

Wordless Wednesday #20

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2007

The figurehead of the Bounty II 1. jams o donnell2. And Miles To Go…3. Suprina4. toni5. Brillig6. SandyCarlson7. Raquel8. CableGirl 9. letha10. Jottings From Jersey11. Starrlight12. Friday’s Child13. Lori14. Tammy Gale/My World15. Chris in Oxford16. Just me a Mom~Jenn 17. L.L. Barkat18. Innocent Joy19. Laura @ Laura Williams’ Musings (UFO House)20. TorAa21. mousey

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