Too Many Ideas - Archive for September, 2007

The Steward, the Kriegsherr, his Femme Fatale & her Brother
Saturday, September 29th, 2007"The Steward, the Kriegsherr, his Femme Fatale & her Brother" came in at almost four thousand words. I’ve done a first polish to bring it down to just under three and a half thousand so it’s the right length for Astonishing Adventures Magazine. It’s a sequel of sorts to "The Electron Jockey". I’m a month […]

The Steward, the Kriegsherr, his Femme Fatale & her Brother
Saturday, September 29th, 2007The Steward, the Kriegsherr, his Femme Fatale & her Brother came in at almost four thousand words. I’ve done a first polish to bring it down to just under three and a half thousand so it’s the right length for Astonishing Adventures Magazine. It’s a sequel of sorts to The Electron Jockey. I’m a month […]

Run Fat Boy Run
Friday, September 28th, 2007Went to see Simon Pegg’s latest film outing on Thursday, a romcom without any zom. Featuring a supporting cast of actors normally associated with British sitcoms and character’s that were more Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels than Four Weddings and a Funneral it was a lot better than I’d expected. Some of the choice […]

Thursday Thirteen #28
Thursday, September 27th, 2007Thirteen Things Mark Caldwell hates about cold calls When they say it will only take a minute of your time it never is. I wouldn’t mind but they’ll never give me an address for me to send my bill. 99% are a waste of my time and the company paying for its time. I don’t […]

Bond New and Old
Tuesday, September 25th, 2007I picked up the DVD of Casino Royale at the weekend and watched it for the first time since seeing it at the cinema. Definitly still the best bond for a long time, hope they keep their nerve with the next one. Watching it again I was able to pay more attention to the sound […]

So near I can almost touch it…
Monday, September 24th, 2007After a seven week break trying to formulate how I’d get through the climatic scene of the inner story I threw a couple of thousand words for Night in the Sidhe on to the virtual page tonight. 79,500 words are now on the page. 80,000 would have been a nice point to finish on tonight […]

Paper House for Gamers Updated
Monday, September 24th, 2007A month ago I posted a beta version of a simple models house for wargamers and role players. I’ve had some feedback on it: a request for chimney stacks, variations of the ends and an extension for the ends. I’ve also added some assembly instructions too. I’ve posted the first of the PDFs this morning […]

BBC Program Catalogue
Saturday, September 22nd, 2007I ment to post this link last night but I was lazy. Came across the BBC’s online program catalogue. Not as detailed as say IMDB and I found a few obvious mistakes that a bit of simple data house keeping would have picked up (eg Between the Lines was a TV series from 1992-1994 but […]

Thursday Thirteen #27
Thursday, September 20th, 2007Thirteen Things I will do with the time off work I have soon Finish short story for ASTONISHING ADVENTURES MAGAZINE Work on my novel only another 20K or so to go Tidy my flat Reading – lots of it Catching up on some DVD watching Go to the cinema Work on my impworks web site […]