Too Many Ideas - Archive for September, 2007

The Steward, the Kriegsherr, his Femme Fatale & her Brother

Saturday, September 29th, 2007

"The Steward, the Kriegsherr, his Femme Fatale & her Brother" came in at almost four thousand words. I’ve done a first polish to bring it down to just under three and a half thousand so it’s the right length for Astonishing Adventures Magazine. It’s a sequel of sorts to "The Electron Jockey". I’m a month […]

The Steward, the Kriegsherr, his Femme Fatale & her Brother

Saturday, September 29th, 2007

The Steward, the Kriegsherr, his Femme Fatale & her Brother came in at almost four thousand words. I’ve done a first polish to bring it down to just under three and a half thousand so it’s the right length for Astonishing Adventures Magazine. It’s a sequel of sorts to The Electron Jockey. I’m a month […]

Run Fat Boy Run

Friday, September 28th, 2007

Went to see Simon Pegg’s latest film outing on Thursday, a romcom without any zom. Featuring a supporting cast of actors normally associated with British sitcoms and character’s that were more Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels than Four Weddings and a Funneral it was a lot better than I’d expected. Some of the choice […]

Thursday Thirteen #28

Thursday, September 27th, 2007

Thirteen Things Mark Caldwell hates about cold calls When they say it will only take a minute of your time it never is. I wouldn’t mind but they’ll never give me an address for me to send my bill. 99% are a waste of my time and the company paying for its time. I don’t […]

Bond New and Old

Tuesday, September 25th, 2007

I picked up the DVD of Casino Royale at the weekend and watched it for the first time since seeing it at the cinema. Definitly still the best bond for a long time, hope they keep their nerve with the next one. Watching it again I was able to pay more attention to the sound […]

So near I can almost touch it…

Monday, September 24th, 2007

After a seven week break trying to formulate how I’d get through the climatic scene of the inner story I threw a couple of thousand words for Night in the Sidhe on to the virtual page tonight. 79,500 words are now on the page. 80,000 would have been a nice point to finish on tonight […]

Paper House for Gamers Updated

Monday, September 24th, 2007

A month ago I posted a beta version of a simple models house for wargamers and role players. I’ve had some feedback on it: a request for chimney stacks, variations of the ends and an extension for the ends. I’ve also added some assembly instructions too. I’ve posted the first of the PDFs this morning […]

BBC Program Catalogue

Saturday, September 22nd, 2007

I ment to post this link last night but I was lazy. Came across the BBC’s online program catalogue. Not as detailed as say IMDB and I found a few obvious mistakes that a bit of simple data house keeping would have picked up (eg Between the Lines was a TV series from 1992-1994 but […]

Thursday Thirteen #27

Thursday, September 20th, 2007

Thirteen Things I will do with the time off work I have soon Finish short story for ASTONISHING ADVENTURES MAGAZINE Work on my novel only another 20K or so to go Tidy my flat Reading – lots of it Catching up on some DVD watching Go to the cinema Work on my impworks web site […]

How to Speak Like a Pirate

Wednesday, September 19th, 2007

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