Feature |
Suggestions |
Gender |
Male or Female |
Apparent Age |
Either an age range or a simple description such as child, teenager, adult, middle aged or old |
Height |
Average, Short, Tall, Very Tall, Very Short |
Build |
Slight, Large, Stocky or Medium |
Ethnicity |
White, Asian, Black, Chinese |
Distinguishing feature |
Hunchback, cross-eyes, missing ear, missing eye, missing limb, missing finger |
Feature |
Suggestions |
Head |
Small, Large, Round, Long, High Crown, Flat at the Back, Bulging at the Back |
Face |
Found, Chubby, Broad, Long or Cadaverous, Narrow, Thin, Oval |
Complexion |
Fair, Dark, Black, Brown, Yellow, Sallow, Sunburnt, Red, Purple, Freckled, Fresh |
Forehead |
Receding, Bulge or Prominent, Broad, High or Low |
Head Hair |
Colour, Style, Bald, Neat or Untidy, Long or Short |
Eyebrows |
Arched, Straight or Oblique, Thick or Bushy, Meeting, Lack of, Thin, Plucked, Sandy, Red, Black, Grey, White. Colour should only be mentioned if different from colour of hair of head |
Facial Hair |
Stubble, Sideburns, Beard, Moustache, Style, Neat or Untidy, Colour should only be mentioned if different from colour of hair of head |
Eyes |
Colour rarely described because hard to use for identification.Size, Shape and Position. Large, Almond, Sunken, Protuberant |
Ears |
Four points: Size – Large or Small. Fold – Pronounced or lack of. Lobe – attached, unattached or lack of. Sticking out of head or pressed close into the head |
Nose |
Straight, Convex or Concave, Base Elevated or Depressed. Nose long in proportion to face. Very wide nostrils. |
Cheeks |
Prominent cheekbones, fat or flabby, jowl, hollow, dimpled |
Mouth |
Large or small |
Teeth |
Prominent, false, missing, discoloured, white, gold |
Lips |
Length of upper lip, thickness, overhanging upper lip, pendent or protruding lower lip |
Chin |
Receding, protruding, small or pointed, large or square, double, dimpled |
Neck |
Long or short, thin or thick, Adams apple |
Shoulders |
Broad or drooping |
Arms |
Long or short in proportion to body |
Hands |
Artistic or Worker, Large or Small, Nail Long or Short, |
Legs |
Long or short, bowed or knock kneed, no ankles (women) |
Gait |
Slow or Quick Stride, Long or Short, Pigeon Toed or Splayed feet, Limp |
Bearing |
Stooping or Straight |
Voice |
Soft or Loud, Accent |
Mannerism |
Any peculiar mannerism or habit should be described |
Distinguishing Marks and Piercing |
Any Tattoos, Birth Marks, Scars or Piercing which are visible |
Scent |
Clean, Cigarette Smoke, Perfume or Cologne, |
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