Too Many Ideas - Archive for October, 2007

Terrain Matcher Script Page
Wednesday, October 10th, 2007Now my cold is finally clearing up I’m going to try and catch up with some of the stuff I wanted to get done last week. First out of the gate is a page for my Terrain Matcher script on my impworks site.

A word here a word there
Tuesday, October 9th, 2007One thing that always surprises me with editing something after leaving it for a week is just how many words you can trim. I’ve been cutting the odd word here and there from a story tonight so I can add a few extra words I think are needed at the end. A week ago I […]

Vue Lighting Rig #2: Single Spot Slightly to One Side
Monday, October 8th, 2007This second of my lighting rigs for Vue and another really snappy title following on from last weeks Vue Lighting Rig #1: Single Spot Overhead. This week the point light has been moved slightly to one side and angled so it shines on the figure including both the top of their head and the bottom […]

Two Paper House Variations
Sunday, October 7th, 2007I’ve finished the first two variations of my paper house model Update: These models are now available free from the impworks web site cardboard buoings page.

Thursday Thirteen #29
Thursday, October 4th, 2007Thirteen Things about Mark Caldwell Yesterday my Wordless Wednesday picture was of this vase full of nuts and I promised I’d post an explanation. I was walking in Newsham Park in Liverpool a year ago. As I went under a Horse Chestnut tree a gust of wind brought a liberal shower of Horse Chestnuts down […]

Wordless Wednesday 25
Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007What the sky falling on your head looks like; and you can forget collecting any ruddy larks.

How are News Stories can be Like Buses…
Tuesday, October 2nd, 2007… you wait for ages and then three come along at once. Things had been quiet on the Vue News Blog for a few days. Then three stories came along this morning and the Cornucopia 3D sale that I forgot was starting yesterday too.

Vue Lighting Rig #1: Single Spot Overhead
Monday, October 1st, 2007A new and hopefully fairly regular feature for Too Many Ideas – lighting rig ideas for use with Vue. I’m going to kick off with a series of rigs inspired by theatrical lighting. Tonights rig is one of the simplest: a single spot light directly above a figure. This image shows the principal of this […]