Too Many Ideas - Archive for October, 2007

Vue Lighting Rig #4: Single Spot In Front

Monday, October 22nd, 2007

This lighting rig is one I used a lot when I first did lighting for plays at school. We didn’t have many lights and we had even fewer channels for controlling them on our lighting desk. A single spot light is aimed so it is pointing down from the front at an angle of around […]


Sunday, October 21st, 2007

Went to see Stardust last night with Kim and Darkdwarf a fantasy film with a definite sense of fun. It’s a meandering road trip round with a good mix of action, intrigue and romance but its real strength is its sense of humour. For once a film with a large contingent of British comedy talent […]

The Steward, the Kriegsherr, his Femme Fatale & her Brother Away

Friday, October 19th, 2007

I’ve just sent off "The Steward, the Kriegsherr, his Femme Fatale & her Brother" to Astonishing Adventures Magazine. Fingers crossed they’ll like it and have space to run it. Thanks to everyone who read it and gave me feedback and to John for proof reading it for me too.

Thursday Thirteen #31

Thursday, October 18th, 2007

  I’ve finished editing my next short story to send in to Astonishing Adventures Magazine. I’m already thinking about the next story and I think it’s going to include a deadly maze. Here are a few of the traps I’m thinking of using in it. Darts, arrows or spears – poisoned for extra deadliness Pit […]

Wordless Wednesday #26

Wednesday, October 17th, 2007

The Annual Girandola at the Castel Sant’ Angelo, Rome (1775-76) Joseph Wright of Derby (1734 – 1797) 1. Shaz@UsDanes2. jams o donnell3. Starrlight4. This Girl Remembers5. ellen b6. Alison7. And Miles To Go…8. WorksForMom9. Pooch10. rhonda11. gumdrops & bubble thoughts12. SandyCarlson13. SandyCarlson 14. L.L. Barkat15. Nap Warden16. The Twinkies17. Natalie18. Lori19. Harlekwin20. Jaz21. Simone’s Butterfly22. […]

Astonishing Adventures in Writing and Editing

Tuesday, October 16th, 2007

A few tweaks on the page on my web site for stories I’ve written for Astonishing Adventures Magazine and a few finishing touches to the story I’m finishing to send off to them.

Astonishing Adventures in Writing and Editing

Tuesday, October 16th, 2007

A few finishing touches to the story I’m finishing to send off to them today.

Vue Lighting Rig #3: Single Spot Slightly Behind

Monday, October 15th, 2007

This third of my lighting rigs for Vue following on from last Mondays Vue Lighting Rig #2. This week the point light has been moved behind so it shines on the figure including both the top of their head and the bottom of their feet. With a single light source behind an actor no light […]

impworks Games Updated

Sunday, October 14th, 2007

Tonight I caught up with some more stuff I wanted to do before the ick got me. I’ve added new pages to my impworks web site in the games section – one for Under Stairs Over Stairs and one for my model Cardboard Buildings for role players and wargamers.

Thursday Thirteen #30

Thursday, October 11th, 2007

  How well did I do with my Thirteen Things I was going to try and do with the time off work I had from work Finish short story for ASTONISHING ADVENTURES MAGAZINE – Success Work on my novel – Failed misserably Tidy my flat: Mostly except one room which is a tip Reading – […]

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