Too Many Ideas - Archive for July, 2010

Nicer Python Display: The Results are In

Friday, July 30th, 2010

Thanks to everyone who voted on my Nicer Python Display poll. I’ll start looking at updating all of the python script pages on my site to use the new, improved formatting. [poll id=”3″ type=”result”]

But How Do You Check?

Wednesday, July 28th, 2010

I’ve walked past this sign several times but the other day a thought popped into my head…

RED Trailer

Monday, July 26th, 2010

Pick any one of Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman or John Malkovich and you’d have my attention for RED. Brian Cox or Ernest Borgnine would push this into my want to see list. Helen Mirren flower arranging is a bit a bit Calendar Girls. Helen Mirren with a machine gun? Helen Mirren with a Machine Gun! […]

Nicer Python Display

Thursday, July 22nd, 2010

I’ve wanted to improve the display of the code for my Vue python scripts here for quite awhile but I was never entirely happy with the code highlighters I’d tried. I’ve installed and fiddled with a new one tonight and I think I like it but since its really for you (well at least if […]

Rotating Yates's Wine Lodge Building

Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

Richard Wilson art installation has turned the derelict (and architecturally boring) Yates’ Wine Lodge Building into an eye catching piece of artwork on a quiet road in Liverpool.

Unplanned impworks site Modifications

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

I didn’t intend to make site changes today. An unexpected interaction between a plug-in and an update of WordPress set me off trying to find a fix. I also spotted another tiny problem with one of my own plug-ins so I fixed that and then checking in IE noticed that MS Word html had crept […]

Wellington's Column Liverpool

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

Wellington’s Column or the Waterloo Memorial on the corner of William Brown Street and Lime Street in Liverpool.  Taken on a sunnier day than my previous photograph Wellington’s Head.

Monty Python's Top Gun

Tuesday, July 13th, 2010

My apologies for this is a very silly post… I’m reading Michael Palin’s Halfway To Hollywood: Diaries 1980 to 1988 and he mentions a dinner meeting with Don Simpson.  I couldn’t help but see a mental image of Top Gun if it had been a product of the Monty Python team… First the budget would […]

Municipal Buildings Tower

Wednesday, July 7th, 2010

Photograph of the tower of on the Municipal Buildings, Dale Street, Liverpool.

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