Too Many Ideas - Archive for November, 2010

Pelgrane talk at Dragonmeet 2010

Monday, November 29th, 2010

The following notes come from the seminar at Dragonmeet (27th November 2010) by Kenneth Hite, Robin D Laws, Simon Rogers and Gareth Hanrahan.  I didn’t record the talk so these are just notes that I took that give the gist of what was being said.  They’re also only the notes about investigative gaming.   I’m providing […]

Dragonmeet 2010 Convention Report

Sunday, November 28th, 2010

So I finally made it to Dragonmeet, its taken me a few years but this time I did it. My planning fu was weak so I’d not decided to go till quite late on so I was staying four miles from Kensington and eight from the centre of London. This did mean I got to […]

Icicles on my Dustbin

Sunday, November 28th, 2010

Photograph: Icicles on my wheelie bin in Liverpool this evening!

The Cartoon Museum: Ink and the Bottle and The Wellcome Trust: High Society

Saturday, November 27th, 2010

On my way to Dragon meet 2010 in London I decided to visit a couple of exhibitions on the way by chance both had a similar theme – Ink and the Bottle at the The Cartoon Museum and High Society at The Wellcome Collection. The Cartoon Museum: Ink and the Bottle Not the largest museum […]

MPI Resolution Docked in Liverpool

Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010

I’d gone down to the waterfront to take some photograph today and discovered the MPI Resolution was docked on the Mersey at the cruise liner terminal.  If a ship could ever be described as an impressive piece of kit this one has to be in the running to get that description.  The six towers are […]

Quiet because Too Many New Toys

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

If it seems like I’ve gone quite quiet here its because I’m playing with new toys. First of all I’ve been getting to grips with Vue 9 Infinite with its excellent new features. Re-lighting is a wonderful enhancement and is a massive time saver for me. Texture resizing is also a massive time saver for […]

Chavasse Park Ride

Wednesday, November 10th, 2010

Over the last few days a giant column has risen from Chavasse Park in Liverpool One. Tonight the ride that goes up it swung into action for the first time. We can just hear the screams from our office. It seemed like a good subject for having a go at some night photography. This is […]

Derelict Building Detail, Duke Street, Liverpool

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

This Wordless Wednesday’s a day late because of the Burke and Hare post. Most of the pictures I post on my blog of Liverpool are of interesting buildings that are reasonably well looked after.  Having lived here for nearly twenty years I’ve seen a lot of miss-representation of the city in the national media.  I’ve […]

Burke and Hare Review

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010

I’ll keep this short because Burke and Hare doesn’t have a lot to be said about it. Pegg and Serkis make an interesting pair in the title roles and had some chemistry but they are left to carry the film.  Fisher and Hynes aren’t bad as the respective character’s love interest and wife.  Unfortunately their […]

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