Killer Elite

Wednesday, September 28th, 2011

There isn’t anything specifically wrong with Killer Elite somehow it just manages to be ordinary.  Its the film equivalent of Magnolia Paint – a bit safe, a bit ordinary and not at all threatening.

Hence the lack of a spoiler warning as there isn’t anything really worth mentioning that you’ll not get from the poster.

The period detail is alright.  The plot is solid (none of the issues I had with Blitz and its bizarre mix of British Realism and modern genius on the loose serial killer).  The action is competent.  The acting does the job but didn’t excite and neither Clive Owen or Robert De Niro really raise Jason Statham’s acting out of the usual run of the mill delivery.

Yet somehow the key element, whatever the spice that makes a thriller thrilling was missing.  Maybe Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy has spoilt me for films like this till I get used to them almost hitting the mark again.  Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy manages to be more thrilling with no chases and something like 5 gunshots than this does several chases and lead flying from automatic weapons.

So Killer Elite is not a bad film and not a great film.

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