Too Many Ideas - Archive for the ‘Funny and Cool’ Category

Fish Contains Fish Shock!
Wednesday, September 15th, 2010I had this Mackerel from M&S for my dinner. Having not cooked Mackerel before I checked the instructions. I couldn’t help noticing the information on the back… I know they have to be complete but I’d be more worried if Mackerel didn’t contain fish. Still it was very nice and I’m sure if they had […]

But How Do You Check?
Wednesday, July 28th, 2010I’ve walked past this sign several times but the other day a thought popped into my head…

RED Trailer
Monday, July 26th, 2010Pick any one of Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman or John Malkovich and you’d have my attention for RED. Brian Cox or Ernest Borgnine would push this into my want to see list. Helen Mirren flower arranging is a bit a bit Calendar Girls. Helen Mirren with a machine gun? Helen Mirren with a Machine Gun! […]

Ambiguous Sign
Wednesday, June 16th, 2010This sign is on the boards which cover the ground floor of an empty building a short distance from where I work. Whenever I walk past it amuse me in the same way that a sign on the side entrance to Wollaton Park in Nottingham amused me in my youth. It read simply “Escaping Dear […]

Open the Door Updated
Wednesday, March 31st, 2010I’ve added entries for Dark Conspiracy, Twilight 2000 and Babylon 5 to the Open the Door page.

Wellington's Head
Friday, March 5th, 2010Every work day I pass Wellington’s Column (or the Waterloo Memorial) on the corner of William Brown Street and Lime Street in Liverpool.
I think I may have spent too much time at work using Google Analytics and playing with numbers this week…

10 Worst Valentines Albums in the World Ever!
Thursday, February 11th, 2010Greatest Sickly Love Songs The One with Pink Roses on the Cover Twelve Songs You’d Forgotten and One You Still Sing in the Bath Last Years Valentines Album with a Different Cover on It Songs that Say I Hate You More than Words Ever Could (Double CD with Sleeve Notes) Some Random Album I Grabbed […]

1999 plus 10
Thursday, December 31st, 2009I had a slightly odd experience shopping on New Years Eve 1999. I was visiting some friends for a new years party and needed supplies so I nipped round to the local superstore, at the time it was a Co-Op. It was pretty late in the day and the first thing I remember was that […]

Edible Gobos: quite possibly as Tasty as Edible Underwear
Wednesday, December 16th, 2009Allegedly. I’ll come to that in a minute. Most spam is annoying but once in a while the bots assemble two random concepts that make a slightly surreal or scary combination. Once in a while those are so out there and look so like real messages that they make it past the spam filters. Here’s […]

How many Your Sinclairs for Grand Theft Auto IV?
Friday, August 28th, 2009DanDiplo commented on Grand Theft Auto IV being 14.9GB installed on Twitter tonight and threw away the rhetorical question how long would the listing be in Your Sinclair. Unfortunately I had the back of an envelope and the Internet to hand… Update: I spotted a couple of obvious mistake myself: Grand Theft Auto is 32 […]